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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#489 Docker slaves don't work anymore in Jenkins defect minor IT: Server Maintenance IT
#488 redirects HTTP to HTTPS defect critical IT: Server Maintenance IT
#487 Increase mailserver SSL rating landauf task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#486 Migrate WebIRC landauf task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#485 Configure mail forwardings for contributors lferran task major IT: Server Migration IT
#484 Migrate mailing lists lferran task major IT: Server Migration IT
#483 Improve and clean logging system lferran task major IT: Server Maintenance IT
#482 Configure mail system in the main server correctly lferran task blocker IT: Server Migration IT
#481 Configure mailAlias for old orxonox users lferran task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#480 Search for email forwardings to migrate lferran task major IT: Server Migration IT
#479 Find all configuration files containing backup-domain data lferran task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#478 Fix cron jobs in the backup server lferran defect major IT: Server Setup IT
#477 Redirection in mailman landauf task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#476 Let Thunderbird autoconfiguration prefer SSL over STARTTLS landauf task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#475 Improve SSL-Rating for HTTPS landauf task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#474 Migrate to Ubuntu 16.04 landauf task critical IT: Server Setup IT
#473 Migrate mailboxes lferran task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#472 Install password manager for LDAP users new feature minor IT: Server Setup IT
#471 Remove the reverse-lookup bypass directive from postfix lferran task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#470 Change SSL certificate to lferran task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#469 should redirect to landauf task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#468 IMAP and SMTP should use let's encrypt certificate landauf defect major IT: Server Setup IT
#467 Allow SSL/TLS for IMAP and SMTP landauf enhancement critical IT: Server Setup IT
#466 Jenkins has some trouble with https landauf defect minor IT: Server Setup IT
#465 Migrate LDAP data (.info -> .net) lferran task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#464 Test domain resolution admin task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#463 Roundcube fails to display certain mails defect major IT: Server Setup IT
#462 Testticket lferran task trivial IT: Server Setup IT
#461 Send build notifications landauf task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#460 Send ticket notifications landauf task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#459 Solve roundcube login issues lferran defect critical IT: Server Setup IT
#458 Select mailing lists to migrate landauf task blocker IT: Server Migration IT
#457 Select svn repositories to migrate landauf task blocker IT: Server Migration IT
#455 Test & install Let'sEncrypt CA certificate admin new feature minor IT: Server Setup IT
#454 Select subversion users to migrate landauf task major IT: Server Migration IT
#453 Migrate SVN hooks lferran task major IT: Server Migration IT
#452 Select unix users to migrate landauf task major IT: Server Migration IT
#450 Fix all TODOs task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#449 Make Jenkins available under port 80/443 task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#448 enable https on login sites lferran task major IT: Server Setup IT
#447 improve backup script enhancement major IT: Server Setup IT
#446 Mimic apache2 VirtualHosts from old server lferran task major IT: Server Migration IT
#445 Install extra trac plugins lferran enhancement minor IT: Server Setup IT
#444 Migrate email accounts and forwardings admin task major IT: Server Migration IT
#442 Add protected section to wiki admin task critical IT: Server Setup IT
#440 Migrate Domain admin task major IT: Server Migration IT
#439 Send SVN Changes to Mailinglist admin task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#438 Add Mailinglists admin task major IT: Server Setup IT
#437 Migrate wiki layout landauf task major IT: Server Setup IT
#436 Virtualize build environment landauf task major IT: Server Setup IT
#435 Build doxygen documentation landauf task minor IT: Server Setup IT
#434 Migrate Forum admin task minor IT: Server Migration IT
#433 Migrate Users/Logins admin task major IT: Server Migration IT
#432 Migrate SVN repositories admin task major IT: Server Migration IT
#431 Automatic startup of all services lferran task critical IT: Server Setup IT
#424 New Waepons/Improve the weapon class sagerj PPS_project minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GameContent
#419 Start the Astereoids nobody task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus misc
#398 Correct Projectile Collision nobody defect minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus Physics/ODE
#394 Defense Turret nobody task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameContent
#390 Cutscene camera nobody PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus AI
#388 Spaceship Selection nobody PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus Menu
#386 Create a level on a planet surface nobody task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GameContent
#384 Entering a space station nobody task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GameContent
#383 Make munition dependent on the spaceship's type nobody task trivial Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus WeaponSystem
#382 level design hud nobody task trivial Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus HUD
#380 Bug: Statistics don't hide anymore nobody defect critical Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus HUD
#378 ScreenshotManager uses a lot of memory dafrick task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GraphicsEngine
#375 Portals, a way to fasttravel anbueche task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameContent
#366 Filenames may not contain spaces dafrick task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus misc
#365 Mac OS X: Changes in CMAKE generation of projects needed youngk task major Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus Cmake
#364 Backtrace is not written to orxnox_crash.log under ubuntu 10.10 nobody defect major Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus misc
#361 Apple Xcode build environment: CMAKE nobody defect critical Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus Cmake
#359 Shader: glow / dazzle nobody task minor GraphicsEngine
#358 Space Boundaries kmaurus task minor misc
#356 Big Ships nobody task minor GameContent
#352 Create a tutorial for Orxonox bknecht task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameContent
#350 IPv6 support adrfried task minor Network
#348 FPS Mode nobody task minor GameContent
#347 Model for Hydrogen Farmer nobody task minor GameContent
#346 Create Pickups nobody enhancement minor Pickup
#341 Menu for keybindings nobody task minor GUI
#340 Menu for ConfigValues nobody task minor GUI
#339 Ingame Menu nobody task minor Control
#338 Create a Level nobody task minor GameContent
#336 Remove Tcl library from media landauf enhancement critical Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix ScriptEngine
#334 Improve Console Commands landauf enhancement critical GeneralFramework
#333 Improve XML-Level-Loader muemart enhancement major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GameLoader
#329 Improve get2DViewdirection nobody enhancement minor misc
#326 Weapons task minor GameContent
#325 Gametype task minor GameContent
#323 Spaceship docking system task minor GameContent
#322 Smart pointers landauf task major GeneralFramework
#318 "client connected" message nobody defect trivial GameLoader
#317 Limit framerate nobody defect major Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#316 Non exclusive input mode nobody defect minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor AI
#315 Use boost::filesystem paths nobody defect major Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#314 Move tcl scripts to a separate folder nobody defect minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix ScriptEngine
#313 Inspect Doxygen warnings nobody defect minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Doxygen
#312 Bug: Ogre config dialog nobody defect critical Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GraphicsEngine
#311 Setting up CTest environment nobody task major Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Cmake
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