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Results (101 - 200 of 296)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#326 Weapons task minor GameContent
#325 Gametype task minor GameContent
#324 Chat smerkli task minor GeneralFramework
#323 Spaceship docking system task minor GameContent
#322 Smart pointers landauf task major GeneralFramework
#318 "client connected" message nobody defect trivial GameLoader
#317 Limit framerate nobody defect major Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#316 Non exclusive input mode nobody defect minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor AI
#315 Use boost::filesystem paths nobody defect major Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#314 Move tcl scripts to a separate folder nobody defect minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix ScriptEngine
#313 Inspect Doxygen warnings nobody defect minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Doxygen
#312 Bug: Ogre config dialog nobody defect critical Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GraphicsEngine
#311 Setting up CTest environment nobody task major Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Cmake
#310 Sort out friction nobody defect major Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Physics/ODE
#308 Performance Evaluation nobody task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#307 Make CEGUILua v0.5.0 Lua 5.1 compliant rgrieder defect major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Cmake
#306 Extend Clock class nobody enhancement minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor misc
#305 Bug: String values nobody defect major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GeneralFramework
#303 Overlay Element Borders nobody enhancement minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor HUD
#302 Bug: TclThreadManager nobody defect critical Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GeneralFramework
#301 Remove or extend Settings class rgrieder task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor misc
#300 Rename String.h nobody defect major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GeneralFramework
#299 Export command history to a separate file nobody task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#298 Improve ''Usage'' dialog nobody enhancement minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#297 Make orxonox.log configurable rgrieder defect major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GeneralFramework
#296 Remove GraphicsEngine Hack nobody defect minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GraphicsEngine
#295 Capture CEGUI output nobody task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GUI
#294 Resource providing rgrieder task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Ogre
#293 Evaluate PhysX support nobody task minor Future Engine Features Physics/ODE
#292 Examine GSLevel nobody defect minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GameLoader
#291 Extend GameStates nobody enhancement minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Control
#290 Buildsystem branch without ogre.cfg nobody defect blocker Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GraphicsEngine
#288 Enumeration style nobody defect minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#287 Conversion function naming nobody defect minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GeneralFramework
#285 Default ticket parameters scheusso defect minor misc
#283 Ticket change mailing list bknecht task blocker misc
#282 Formation flight task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GameContent
#281 Space Race task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GameContent
#280 Overlays (Scoreboard, ...) bhildebr task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor HUD
#279 Planets runom task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GameContent
#278 Multiple builds support nobody enhancement minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Cmake
#277 Pickup System dafrick enhancement minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus misc
#274 Spaceship Navigation enhancement minor Future Engine Features Control
#273 Quest System dafrick enhancement minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor misc
#269 Enhance Older Models baxel enhancement minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GameContent
#268 Modular Space Station mkaiser enhancement minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor GameContent
#262 Physics Engine task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Physics/ODE
#261 Adjust audio to new loader nobody defect minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Sound
#260 Update run-script nobody defect major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix AI
#259 Better structure of wiki landauf task minor Future Engine Features misc
#258 Upgrade to Boost 1.35.0 enhancement minor Future Engine Features Network
#257 Implement the WindowEventListener nobody task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Ogre
#256 Space Station Rocco and Massimo task minor GameContent
#255 Multiple player support nobody task blocker Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Network
#254 function test of simple client <-> server connection dumenim, scheusso defect blocker Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Network
#253 Basic Shader Implementation janise PPS_project minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GraphicsEngine
#252 HUD: Modules chaiy task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix HUD
#251 Designing and scripting Menus konrad task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Menu
#250 Improve the GUI concept enhancement major Version 0.3 Codename: Castor Menu
#249 Document all code everybody defect blocker Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Doxygen
#248 Key mapping rgrieder task major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix InputSystem
#247 Appealing mouse control rgrieder task major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Control
#246 Appealing mouse control nobody task major Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Control
#245 Check for libBoost nobody defect trivial Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Cmake
#244 Check for OIS nobody defect trivial Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix Cmake
#243 Scripting engine with lua bknecht task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix ScriptEngine
#240 Space Cruiser twidmer task major Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameContent
#239 Multiple Threads in the main loop nobody task minor Future Engine Features GeneralFramework
#237 Spaceship AI motth PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus AI
#236 Skybox generator task minor misc
#235 Spaceship weapon system rgrieder PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus WeaponSystem
#234 Spaceship steering mbiber PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus Control
#233 HUD chaiy PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus HUD
#232 Load XML files nicolape PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameLoader
#231 ODE support mathiask PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus Physics/ODE
#230 Sound support nicolape task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus Sound
#229 Object-hierarchy landauf task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GeneralFramework
#228 Class hierarchy nobody task blocker Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix GeneralFramework
#227 Network Support scheusso PPS_project major Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus Network
#226 Robot marcelfl PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameContent
#225 Drone janise PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameContent
#224 Space junk nobody enhancement minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameContent
#222 Create particle effects sweber PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus GameContent
#214 Button snellen task minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 misc
#207 Crosshair bug nobody defect blocker Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GraphicsEngine
#179 Clean up the CameraMan snellen defect blocker Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GraphicsEngine
#178 Fix the Track back in bknecht defect critical Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 Track
#161 Space Station (inside) landauf task critical Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GameContent
#156 Public Relations stefalie task minor misc
#150 Possibility to play ogg files as sound effects bensch enhancement minor Sound
#148 Shell-Polling bensch defect major Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GeneralFramework
#146 UserNotifier bensch enhancement minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GUI
#145 Textures crap up Windows bensch defect critical Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 Importer
#144 LoadParam line-split fault bensch defect minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GameLoader
#142 Dynamic ClassID patrick enhancement critical Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GeneralFramework
#141 ShellCompletionPlugin bensch enhancement minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GeneralFramework
#138 SinglePlayer - Plamodes bensch enhancement major Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GeneralFramework
#135 Weather Effects Engine hdavid, amaechler task minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GraphicsEngine
#131 ResourceFile Class bensch task minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 Importer
#130 port to std::string bensch defect critical Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 GeneralFramework
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