Information about Benjamin "Beni" Knecht
Beni is soon starting his Software Developer job at ETH Zürich where he'll be working on a secret project at the Computer Vision Institute. When not working, he watches American TV series, enjoys good books or learns Japanese. To get out in the nature, Beni searches for geo-caches in the near vicinity of Zürich.
You can contact me 24/7 per email.
ICQ#: 135297208
Skype: p1r4nh4
or of course in the IRC channel
If you're a good friend you may be able to acquire my mobile number by adding me as friend on Facebook.
You can read about my life and thoughts on my homepage, where you can also contact me.
Programming before Orxonox
Matura thesis about artificial intelligence and some other work with Java, the object oriented programming language
Programming besides Orxonox
- Working for e-serve ag as intern doing several easy and less easy tasks.
- Semester thesis (movie) 'Real-time server side object recognition for mobile devices'.
- Semester thesis 'Wortbedeutung und Satzstruktur'. Mostly matlab and scripts.
- Internship at kooaba.
- Helping with the internal and external communication protocols of an autonomous helicopter framework.
- Writing an image analysis tool for segmentation and tracking of moving cells in confocal microscopy image data for the Master thesis.
- Internship at VirtaMed AG.
Beni's Support for Orxonox:
winter semester 05/06:
- Data stream for network module
- Control for spaceship control (Ticket #60) (helicopter control, dynamic camera)
winter semester 06/07:
- project leader for PPS WS 06/07
- reviewed the Track and reimplemented a simple version of it
autumn semester 2007:
- project leader for PPS HS 07
- some core design of Orxonox V2
autumn semester 2008:
implementing script object for underlying game logic(no time, very stressful semester)
autumn semester 2009:
- concept of GUI animations
summer semester 2006:
- Task: concept paper (Ticket #129)
- Content Creation: md2-Models with animations (crane arm and similar stuff, doors)
- .md2-Models with animations for Singleplayer-Level (Check out the Tutorial for md2-Models)
summer semester 2007:
- project leader for PPS SS 07
- enhance HUD and weapon (FPS related programming) (Ticket #211)
spring semester 2008:
- project leader for PPS FS 08
- triggers
spring semester 2009:
- teaching assistant in the PPS
- code/doc/GUI
autumn semester 2010:
- hopefully finally an implementation of GUI animations
Cool Links:
- Orx-Weapons
- most of the ~archive/Story
Now playing those games:
- Mass Effect 1, 2 & 3
- Gunpoint
- RememberMe
Planing to finish those games:
- Venetica
Looking forward to play these games
- … (suggestions accepted)
Favorite Games
- Outcast - Best looking water and great AI for that time (1999), great action-adventure with free explorable world and lots of secondary quests.
- GTA serie - Free world and a lot to discover, lots of secondary tasks and mini games, very many cars/airplanes/ships
- Freespace 1 / 2 - I finished Freespace 1 the first time in one night together with a friend of mine. Great game with a exciting story. And the game is not so short.
- The Longest Journey - Breath taking Click-And-Point adventure with an absorbing SciFi-Medieval-Age mix story
- Monkey Island series - Probably best humor in a computer game (only the latest game - Monkey Island 4 - sucked)
- Mafia - Great Story, realistic world, a bit crazy FreeRide-Mode (CDs don't work anymore!!)
- Jagged Alliance - Most exciting round based action strategy game
- Yagger - Unique 3D-shooter air battle game, has a little bit the style of Aquanox.
- Ikaruga - Dreamcast/GameCube/Wii vertical scroller with innovative game play. In Japan they actually play Ikaruga in amusement arcade. (Check out the flash version of Ikaruga on Newgrounds)
- XIII - shooter in comic style (cell shading) (pretty unique concept) with deep and exciting story
- Beyond Good & Evil - Jump and Run with perfect atmosphere. Everything fits!
- Braid - Maybe the best puzzle platformer out there. Solve puzzles by manipulating time! (one of the few games I finished 100%)
and many more…