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Custom Query (29 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#431 Automatic startup of all services lferran task critical IT
#442 Add protected section to wiki admin task critical IT
#459 Solve roundcube login issues lferran defect critical IT
#467 Allow SSL/TLS for IMAP and SMTP landauf enhancement critical IT
#474 Migrate to Ubuntu 16.04 landauf task critical IT
#436 Virtualize build environment landauf task major IT
#437 Migrate wiki layout landauf task major IT
#438 Add Mailinglists admin task major IT
#447 improve backup script enhancement major IT
#448 enable https on login sites lferran task major IT
#463 Roundcube fails to display certain mails defect major IT
#468 IMAP and SMTP should use let's encrypt certificate landauf defect major IT
#478 Fix cron jobs in the backup server lferran defect major IT
#435 Build doxygen documentation landauf task minor IT
#439 Send SVN Changes to Mailinglist admin task minor IT
#445 Install extra trac plugins lferran enhancement minor IT
#449 Make Jenkins available under port 80/443 task minor IT
#455 Test & install Let'sEncrypt CA certificate admin new feature minor IT
#460 Send ticket notifications landauf task minor IT
#461 Send build notifications landauf task minor IT
#466 Jenkins has some trouble with https landauf defect minor IT
#469 should redirect to landauf task minor IT
#472 Install password manager for LDAP users new feature minor IT
#475 Improve SSL-Rating for HTTPS landauf task minor IT
#476 Let Thunderbird autoconfiguration prefer SSL over STARTTLS landauf task minor IT
#477 Redirection in mailman landauf task minor IT
#487 Increase mailserver SSL rating landauf task minor IT
#462 Testticket lferran task trivial IT

Resolution: wontfix (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#441 Kanban Board doesnt work admin defect minor IT
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