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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#283 bknecht rgrieder worksforme Ticket change mailing list

We have a ticket system and we don't know whether to use it or not.

Let's give it a kick with a mailing list for changes. Unfortunately I cannot do this task. - i think this is what we need

#290 nobody rgrieder fixed Buildsystem branch without ogre.cfg

The last time I checked the build system branch on tardis, we've had trouble running it without ogre.cfg. This is the config file that Ogre creates when you first start orxonox. You are then prompted for some parameters which are written to ogre.cfg. After that you don't need to do that again.

The problem then is that we never let the user create his own ogre.cfg until now. This is crap however. Changing the resolution is everything else than convenient (you'll have to edit ogre.cfg yourself). In the build system branch I "resolved" that problem by removing ogre.cfg. This is bit of a problem since Ogre can't find the necessary files when trying to show to dialog for options.

This has to be inspected thoroughly as soon as possible. It is especially important to see whether the problem only occurs on tardis. I can confirm that it works on my visual studio with windows combination.

#457 landauf lferran fixed Select svn repositories to migrate

Which of these should be migrated to the new SVN server?

biomed data datavis downloads game netflow downloads orxonox orxonox_closed orxonox.OLD subprojects testferran testrepo vseth_projects webdev

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