Orxonox  0.0.5 Codename: Arcturus
orxonox Directory Reference


directory  chat
directory  collisionshapes
directory  controllers
directory  gamestates
directory  gametypes
directory  graphics
directory  infos
directory  interfaces
directory  items
directory  overlays
directory  scriptablecontroller
directory  sound
directory  weaponsystem
directory  worldentities


file  CameraManager.cc
file  CameraManager.h [code]
 Handles the instances of Camera class.
file  Highscore.cc
file  Highscore.h [code]
file  Level.cc
file  Level.h [code]
file  LevelInfo.cc
file  LevelInfo.h [code]
 Definition of the LevelInfo and LevelInfoItem class.
file  LevelManager.cc
 Implementation of the LevelManager singleton.
file  LevelManager.h [code]
 Definition of the LevelManager singleton.
file  Main.cc
The main function of Orxonox (but not the entry point of the program!)

file  Main.h [code]
file  MoodManager.cc
file  MoodManager.h [code]
file  OrxonoxPrecompiledHeaders.h [code]
Compilation of the most often used header files in the orxonox library

file  OrxonoxPrereqs.h [code]
Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the orxonox library

file  PlayerManager.cc
file  PlayerManager.h [code]
file  Radar.cc
file  Radar.h [code]
file  RenderQueueListener.cc
 Implementation of the RenderQueueListener class.
file  RenderQueueListener.h [code]
 Definition of the RenderQueueListener class.
file  Scene.cc
 Implementation of Scene Class.
file  Scene.h [code]
 Definition of Scene Class.
file  Test.cc
file  Test.h [code]