Orxonox  0.0.5 Codename: Arcturus
core Directory Reference


directory  class
directory  command
directory  commandline
directory  config
directory  input
directory  module
directory  object
directory  singleton


file  ApplicationPaths.cc
file  ApplicationPaths.h [code]
file  BaseObject.cc
 Implementation of the BaseObject class.
file  BaseObject.h [code]
 Declaration of BaseObject, the base class of all objects in Orxonox.
file  ClassTreeMask.cc
 Implementation of the ClassTreeMask, ClassTreeMaskNode, and ClassTreeMaskIterator classes.
file  ClassTreeMask.h [code]
 Declaration of the ClassTreeMask, ClassTreeMaskNode, and ClassTreeMaskIterator classes.
file  ConfigurablePaths.cc
file  ConfigurablePaths.h [code]
file  Core.cc
Implementation of the Core singleton with its global variables (avoids boost include)

file  Core.h [code]
 Declaration of the Core singleton which is used to configure the program basics.
file  CoreConfig.cc
file  CoreConfig.h [code]
file  CoreIncludes.h [code]
 Defines several very important macros used to register objects, register classes, and to work with identifiers.
file  CorePrecompiledHeaders.h [code]
Compilation of the most often used header files in the core library

file  CorePrereqs.h [code]
Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the core library

file  CoreStaticInitializationHandler.cc
file  CoreStaticInitializationHandler.h [code]
file  Event.cc
 Implementation of the classes Event and EventState.
file  Event.h [code]
 Declaration of the classes Event and EventState.
file  EventIncludes.h [code]
 Definition of the XMLPortEventState() macro, as well as some more useful macros.
file  Game.cc
Implementation of the Game class.

file  Game.h [code]
 Declaration of Game Singleton which is responsible for running the game.
file  GameConfig.cc
file  GameConfig.h [code]
file  GameMode.cc
file  GameMode.h [code]
 Declaration of the GameMode class which stores and returns the current mode of the game.
file  GameState.cc
Implementation of GameState class.

file  GameState.h [code]
 Definition of GameState class.
file  GlowMaterialListener.h [code]
file  GraphicsManager.cc
file  GraphicsManager.h [code]
Declaration of GraphicsManager Singleton.

file  GUIManager.cc
file  GUIManager.h [code]
file  Language.cc
 Implementation of the Language and the LanguageEntry classes.
file  Language.h [code]
 Declaration of the Language and the LanguageEntry class, as well as some helper functions.
file  Loader.cc
file  Loader.h [code]
file  LuaState.cc
file  LuaState.h [code]
file  Namespace.cc
file  Namespace.h [code]
file  NamespaceNode.cc
file  NamespaceNode.h [code]
file  Resource.cc
file  Resource.h [code]
file  Template.cc
file  Template.h [code]
file  Thread.cc
file  Thread.h [code]
file  ThreadPool.cc
file  ThreadPool.h [code]
file  ThreadWin.cc
file  UpdateListener.cc
file  UpdateListener.h [code]
file  ViewportEventListener.cc
file  ViewportEventListener.h [code]
file  WindowEventListener.cc
file  WindowEventListener.h [code]
file  XMLFile.h [code]
file  XMLNameListener.cc
file  XMLNameListener.h [code]
file  XMLPort.cc
file  XMLPort.h [code]
 Declaration of the XMLPort helper classes and macros.