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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 296)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#446 fixed Mimic apache2 VirtualHosts from old server lferran lferran

Since we want to keep the same checkout URLs for the svn repositories, we need to mimic the VirtualHost configuration from Apache2 in the old server to the new one.

#445 fixed Install extra trac plugins lferran lferran

Plugins to install:

#444 fixed Migrate email accounts and forwardings admin landauf

The email accounts (including all stored emails) and all email forwardings should be migrated to the new server.

The migration should happen in an "atomic" step, i.e. it shouln't be possible that mails are still received on the old server AFTER the accounts were migrated because that would result in a loss of data.

Loss of data should be avoided in general. It is however acceptable if the email accounts are unavailable for some hours.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.