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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#104 bensch bensch fixed ingame GUI

ingame GUI


  • ingame menu
  • ingame HUD

The User should be able to execute some actions by just pressing 'ESC' and then using the mouse/cursors/and so on…


  • Container-Based or Free-Flying Widget-approach.
  • Buttons, Labels, Textfields, Images, renewable images, everything should be supported :)
  • make it dynamic
    • example: player can subscribe a a bar (lower left)
    • weapons: extend with new Bar (bar fades in, extends to either left or right side of the previous bar)
  • more cool ideas.
#107 patrick bensch fixed CD-engine debugDraw

the CD-Engine currently uses the material-class to render Debug-boxes.

As this is a rather expensive method (3000 materials per level just for debug), i would suggest, that you use the Draw-approach from PNode::debugDraw, as it is much faster, and uses much MUCH less memory.

#108 bensch bensch fixed QT-port to the GUI


since GTK is not our fovorite gui-language, we would like to reimplement the GUI in QT.


  • All important functions must be ported:
    1. loading/saving
    2. signal-connection
    3. displaying
    4. integration
  • all important widgets should be easily availiable
    1. widget
    2. containers
    3. windows
    4. buttons
    5. sliders
  • good documentations on how to use the new API would be nice
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