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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#356 fixed Big Ships nobody dafrick

Create a big space vessel.

You will not only have to create the model in blender and texture it, but think about how it should act when being shot at (different parts of the ship can be destroyed separately), to that end it would be helpful to create separate models that are only joined to the full ship in XML (or C++), this would also work better with LoD (Level of Detail).

#312 fixed Bug: Ogre config dialog nobody rgrieder

When clicking on "cancel" in the OGRE render config dialog, Orxonox may crash.

Experienced on Windows 32-bit with MSVC build in branch buildsystem2.

#380 fixed Bug: Statistics don't hide anymore nobody rgrieder

Running Orxonox 0.0.5 on Windows 7: After displaying the game statistics with F2, they dont't disappear anymore with another hit on F2.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.