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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#375 fixed Portals, a way to fasttravel anbueche decapitb

Up to now there is no possibility to connect our space between planets (or levels) that might be lightyears apart. Create a solution (e.g. portals, 'jetstreams', wormholes, …), design appropriate graphics.

#269 fixed Enhance Older Models baxel FelixSchulthess

Many of the older models are not yet ready to be included to Orxonox. The reasons are, that they either have no textures at all or that they look to fancy and colorful and fit into no scheme. We need models, that look nice and similar as if they would belong to the same faction. This way, we are able to create whole fleets of ships, something that will probably seem much more realistic in space.

There is no need to create all models from scratch, as long as there are still models from older versions of Orxonox, that could possibly imported and adapted. This means, modifying/enhancing an existing model and creating a new cool texture for it or adapting the old one.

#5 fixed reimplementing track system bensch patrick

Reimplementaion of the track system using parenting. A Track now should be a collection of TrackNodes. The track between the nodes is connected via B-Splines or NURBS, whatever is more usefull.

  • Concrete use:
    • a player able to be guided through the world via track
    • a player able to choose between different tracks = different ways thourgh the world
  • Requirements:
    • there is one or more HelperParent lead/bound by the track (multi/single player)
    • the movement of a HelperParent on the track must be smooth (therefore using some splines)
    • calculation of position and orientation of the HelperParent must be cheap
    • the track must be able to calculate the current position on the track from the variable x, representing the way, that the HelperParent has moved yet.
  • Implementation:
    • function to add/remove TrackNodes
    • function to get the current position of the HelperParent on the Track
    • function to get the current orientation of the HelperParent on the Track
    • function to set the current postion on the Track (via time or distance)
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