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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#444 fixed Migrate email accounts and forwardings admin landauf

The email accounts (including all stored emails) and all email forwardings should be migrated to the new server.

The migration should happen in an "atomic" step, i.e. it shouln't be possible that mails are still received on the old server AFTER the accounts were migrated because that would result in a loss of data.

Loss of data should be avoided in general. It is however acceptable if the email accounts are unavailable for some hours.

#455 fixed Test & install Let'sEncrypt CA certificate admin lferran

There's a new project that creates real SSL certificates for free:

Maybe we can use this!

#464 fixed Test domain resolution admin lferran

In order to test the domain change (.info → .net) we could do something:

  1. Add as a hostname entry in the new server, pointing to localhost.
  2. Change our working stations DNS resolutions of to point to the new server whenever we are working on it.
  3. Make all the changes in the configuration, and test this way.

It might be a way to make the migration more "transparent" to the users, or reduce the bunch of time that the old services are down.

This way we could spread the migration in time a bit more (i.e: no need to shut down everyithing for one entire week)

If we would add therese entries in my local resolv.conf to point to the new server's IP… it would work. I haven't tested it though.

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