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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#214 fixed Button snellen snellen


In the world of orxonox (the future) everything is automated (doors, lifts, spaceships,…). The player has to be able to interact with theses machines.


The goal of this ticket is to implement some kind of button mechanism. The player should be able to press a button to trigger a customizeable reaction. For example a door gets unlocked, or an elevator is called.


It would be reasonable to implement the button as a new kind of ScriptTrigger. The trigger should have a target (the WorldEntity which is able to trigger the button) and a radius (How close the WorldEntity has to be to be able to trigger the action).
If the target entity is in range and the action key has been pressed then a scriptfunction has to be executed.

#386 fixed Create a level on a planet surface nobody smerkli

Idea: Use the available mechanisms (space race, space boundaries) to build a planet-surface level

Since we have space boundaries now, an idea would be to make two concentric spherical space boundaries and have the player spawn between them. Then one could add a model inside the smaller sphere, giving the player the possibility to move around on the planet's surface. Using other shapes, one could then for example build a spacerace on a planet's surface.

One could then also incorporate various other things, like portals or forcefields, into the race track to make it more appealing.

#390 fixed Cutscene camera nobody smerkli

The game does not yet have any way to create in-game videos. To add this functionality to Orxonox, we need to implement a scriptable camera controller so that the game can take control away from the player and show what is happening in an automated fashion.

A good documentation and manual on how to script the camera controller belongs to this project to make it useful.

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