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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 296)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#388 fixed Spaceship Selection nobody decapitb

The user should be able to select which spaceship to use. Either at the beginning of each level or in the pause menu.

#386 fixed Create a level on a planet surface nobody smerkli

Idea: Use the available mechanisms (space race, space boundaries) to build a planet-surface level

Since we have space boundaries now, an idea would be to make two concentric spherical space boundaries and have the player spawn between them. Then one could add a model inside the smaller sphere, giving the player the possibility to move around on the planet's surface. Using other shapes, one could then for example build a spacerace on a planet's surface.

One could then also incorporate various other things, like portals or forcefields, into the race track to make it more appealing.

#384 fixed Entering a space station nobody jo

So far the only thing to do in Orxonox is fly around and shoot. But at the end of a hard day a pilot wants to refuel his ship, repair the hull and have a drink at the bar.


  • a model of the interior of a space station. (Doesn't something like this already exist?)

Apply in the level:

  • docking

Next steps:

  • create an interactive environment (think about what the player could do in a space station)
  • simulate activity (pilots, mechanics, traders & robots moving around)


Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.