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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#41 fixed MakeFile - cleanup bensch bensch

Clean-up and all's

  1. Merge all relevant branches back to the trunk
  2. Edit the style of the, so everything looks the same
    • Importance: order/codedesign/workability
  3. Move the files in Source into some more intuitive sub-structure
  4. Edit the's
    • Design
#42 fixed Light-Class bensch bensch

Light is very important for seeing things, so it is a good idea to give it its own class

  • ToDo:
    • The Class is initialized so there remains
    1. Extension for Spot-Lights
    2. Light should move only if one tells it so for this to work:
      • Lights must be initialized and transformed in the right order of the modelview-transformation
      • Lights can move with the Camera
      • Lights can fly with an entity.

Really important is the Position of the light→setPosition function in if this gets mixed up, the Light will not be positioned in the right order.

This also has to do (most possibly) with the strage Fog-position of dave's branche

#46 fixed TrackManager (fix) bensch bensch

The TrackManager needs some fixes:

  1. Creation Method

Errors have to be fixed here. meaning that the trackManager should have a creation pipe, that really works, with no loops, holes. multiple checks and so on

  1. Curves

Need of a new Curve is at hand. The curve should be like this: Flow through all points Speed-regulating Think about some more

  1. Many more fixes, I have not yet discovered.
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