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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#458 landauf lferran fixed Select mailing lists to migrate

Which of the following mailing lists must be replicated in the new server?

lferran@orxonox:~$ sudo /var/lib/mailman/bin/list_lists 
19 matching mailing lists found:
                Contact - Contact the Orxonox developers
                Mailman - [no description available]
       Orxonox-announce - Orxonox - An Open-Source Space Shooter - Announcement List
         Orxonox-commit - Orxonox - An Open-Source Space Shooter - Commits List
            Orxonox-dev - Orxonox - An Open-Source Space Shooter - Development List
            Orxonox-pps - Umbrella for all pps mailinglists
    Orxonox-pps-fs09-s2 - [no description available]
    Orxonox-pps-fs09-s4 - [no description available]
    Orxonox-pps-fs10-s2 - [no description available]
    Orxonox-pps-fs10-s4 - [no description available]
    Orxonox-pps-fs11-s2 - [no description available]
    Orxonox-pps-fs11-s4 - [no description available]
       Orxonox-pps-fs12 - [no description available]
       Orxonox-pps-hs09 - [no description available]
       Orxonox-pps-hs10 - [no description available]
       Orxonox-pps-hs11 - [no description available]
           Orxonox-test - This is a mailinglist for testig purposes
         Pps-admin_fs09 - [no description available]
                Tickets - [no description available]
#482 lferran lferran fixed Configure mail system in the main server correctly

When I was trying to migrate a mailbox, I want to use roundcube to check if the mailbox has been copied and whether there are any problems.

However, the roundcube client doesn't seem to allow logins, since there is a connection error:

Unable to negotiate TLS in /usr/share/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 193 (POST /roundcube/?_task=login?_task=login&_action=login)

That's possibly due to the fact that the SSL certificates are not yet configured to use the domain?

#52 patrick bensch fixed argument and return values

There is an inconsistency in the argument and return types of functions

in some functions one passes pointers in others not.

this should all be brought onto a common level

we will discuss this below this ticket. just add your idea on how to rebuild the structure.

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