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Results (73 - 75 of 296)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#333 muemart bknecht fixed Improve XML-Level-Loader

There are two major issues with the Level-Loader. First, the error messages are not very conclusive, because we do not check what's written in the file. Second, a bit more specific, syntax errors in lua are devastating for the loader. Especially if the code is commented out, lua still yields errors, which it should not.

Example (this yields to unreadable XML code for the XML-Loader):

<!-- <?lua end >? -->

Your task is to catch the most common errors and yield more conclusive error messages to make the level development and debugging of errors in level loading easier.

#364 nobody dafrick fixed Backtrace is not written to orxnox_crash.log under ubuntu 10.10

As the title says, the backtrace is not written to the crashlog under Ubuntu 10.10.

All that is written to the file is a timestamp and (gdb):


time: Tue Nov 9 20:35:43 2010

======================================================= (gdb)

#365 youngk youngk fixed Mac OS X: Changes in CMAKE generation of projects needed

Need to set the following paths when generating Xcode project file:



Disable PCH by default on Mac for now

*UPDATE* DYLD path setting done. Only need to disable PCHs.

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