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#234 mbiber landauf duplicate Spaceship steering


The specialty of a space ship is its steering. Implement the space ship class and its steering.


Write a class for the space ship. Focus on the steering. Physics do not have to be too realistic. Think about the space ship to fly around in free space without spacial limitations. Implement a steering which feels "right".


The space ship inherits from a class that loads a model and has stuff like health, armor and energy. There is also already a weapon system implemented, so you do not have to think about that stuff too much. Focus on the implementation of a steering or an interface making it possible to steer the ship from human input, AI or scripts. Implement an interface to make the spaceship controllable by human input, AI and scripts alike.

#235 rgrieder landauf worksforme Spaceship weapon system


Design a weapon system for spaceships. Find a way to assign weapons to ships. A way to change weapon configuration and fire mode.


A very generic interface for space ships. A ship should be able to be equipped with several weapons like lasers, projectile guns and missiles. Find a way to manage all the features those weapons have and to control them from the ships control.
This system might be used for not only space ships, but other crafts.


Think of several weapon types and how they differ. The system must be used by AI as well. You need to find a way to define weapon slots and assign weapons to it. Change the selection of different weapon slots so a variation of weapons can be used.
Most certainly the weapon system has to have its link to the space ship. Weapon slots has to have a position on the space ships model and must be reached through control and AI.
Weapons may shoot, charge, recharge, upgrade and load or may have special features like remote triggering. Figure out if this is an issue of the weapon system or the weapon itself.

#236 landauf worksforme Skybox generator

Introduction Write a skybox generator to randomly create beautiful space environments (with nebulae, stars, planets, asteroids, supernovas, …)


It must be possible to save and restore generated skyboxes, maybe an edit function could be useful too.


Think about different ways of bringing the skybox into the game (Create a texture set for a 6-sided skybox? Restore all elements in 3D? …) and physical issues (planets should be a 3D model, so save their position; stars cast light, we need them ingame).

Ogre has already skyboxes. Check that code out and think about a generator.

Look at other space shooters to get some inspiration.


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