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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 296)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#126 bensch patrick fixed Water, fluids model (Grid)

Make a surface that can simulate a water surface

#131 bensch bensch fixed ResourceFile Class


The ResourceManager is really nice, but the entire interface could use some update…


The best thing to handle static loaded data to interface it with a file: A File is a Resource loaded from a Disk (or any other medium) and reference it within the Game whenever a new file is loaded, it is first checked, if the File has already been loaded (what the ResourceManager does). Why to implement this, is that the ResourceManager must not anymore have many special cases within itself, but that it can outsource special behaviour into the many different formats that can be loaded.

Also to Make a Copy of a Resource, and change ONLY the copy is impossible with the ResourceManager, one could not even load a file a second time….


  • these will become a File (isA File)
    • SoundBuffer
    • ObjModel
    • MD2Model
    • Music
    • Textures …
  • Resources will become Files
  • The ResourceManager will search through File and not through internal lists.
#135 hdavid, amaechler patrick fixed Weather Effects Engine

Create an engine to define the current weather in Orxonox:

  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Fog (moving and overall)
  • Flash and Thunder
  • (Moving) Clouds
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