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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 296)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#81 bensch bensch wontfix TrackManager update

The TrackManager needs several new things

  1. backloop-check !! this function must be rewritten, because it is crap now
  2. pilot-node must be integrated into the framework
#83 bensch bensch fixed TextEngine segfault when font not found

This is a little bug occuring, when a desired font is not found

This can easily be prevented when using a default font from a compiled-in file. It is not the nicest approach, but like this the text will at least be displayed

other approach is to disable Texts which fonts are not loaded completely

#85 patrick bensch fixed Derivation of ClassList

The Class-identifier should hold all possible relations an Object can have.

eg. one have to be able to lock (fast) if an Object is Of class Player, and if that same Object is also from class BaseObject, PNode and so forth

this is important for casting over classes.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.