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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 296)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#67 nobody patrick fixed Multiple Texture Mapping on one Face

Half-Life has come up with a method in which it can take a set of five or so basic textures that all tile together, and randomly tile a wall with them. This is exceedingly useful, as it cuts way down on artifacts. You can make each texture have its own individual details, but you'll never see them consistently repeated in any specific pattern.

#71 patrick bensch fixed Projectile

Projectile needs some minor update, that fixes the speed-problem

for this to work, pNode→getSpeed must be fixed (easy just take away the /1000)

also the shoot must not rely on speed but on velocity (vector)

#73 simon bensch fixed Ogg-player

The ogg-vorbis-player

Implement a ogg-player, that runs with openAL using multiple junks:

  • Interface:
    • openAL (see: ogg-player-link)
    • new File: branches/openAL/src/lib/sound/ (copy from src/proto/
    • use the already included libs and cflags
    • Interface with the existing SoundEngine
  • Interactions:
    • The OggPlayer should have the following abilities:
      • Fading from one song into another (or into the same one at a different time)
      • Stop();
      • Play();
      • Rewind();
      • Pause();
      • JumpToTime(time);
      • update: (i think this is needed to change chunks)
    • OggPlayer gets updated from the SoundEngine.
    • OggPlayer should be loaded from the SoundEngine

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