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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#49 patrick patrick fixed Efficiency tweaking of critical classes

There are some classes that need to be specialy fast, because they are often called and therefore need much time. some of those are:

  • PNode
  • Vector, Quaternion
  • tList
  • tIterator

they can be made more efficient.

#50 hdavid, stefalie patrick fixed video player

The goal is to implement a video player, that renders an .avi stream onto a SDL 2D texture so it can be viewed on any object in the world and specialy as a screen of desired size.

  • Requirements:
    • encode avi file format films BONUS: compressed avi file format
    • interprete it as a bitmap texture
    • display the texture 1) as a screen 2) as object in the world
  • References:
#51 patrick patrick fixed Fog

The goat is to implement some fog functions for the world. There should be some predefined fog-filters, and an ability to add volumetric fog to a game scene.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.