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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#45 patrick patrick fixed Debug Level

Implement a debug level, that shows all posibilities, that the pnode system of orxonox can offer… its realy open this one…

#47 nobody bensch duplicate Curve with tLists

Curve must also use the tList declaration

also implement a Curve that flows through desired points

(this will be tough as I do not know how to do this)

#48 bensch & patrick bensch fixed Animation

The idea is it to make a Class, that handles simple animation like coded movement of objects, brightness changes of materials and so on


  • AnimationPlayer: an Engine, that handles a list of all animations, and ticks them over time
  • Animation Class:
    • one template Class to change simple informations (calls a float function)
    • another one to translate objects through space
    • maybe another one
  • animation classes will be derived from the class Animation()
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.