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May 19, 2012, 11:27:07 AM (12 years ago)

renamed MT_Value as MultiType::Type and removed it from the public interface of MultiType
added MultiType::Null

8 edited


  • code/branches/testing/src/libraries/core/

    r8858 r9222  
    5050    void CommandLineArgument::parse(const std::string& value)
    5151    {
    52         if (value_.getType() == MT_Type::Bool)
     52        if (value_.isType<bool>())
    5353        {
    5454            // simulate command line switch
    298298                infoStr << "      ";
    299299            infoStr << "--" << it->second->getName() << ' ';
    300             if (it->second->getValue().getType() != MT_Type::Bool)
     300            if (it->second->getValue().isType<bool>())
     301                infoStr << "    ";
     302            else
    301303                infoStr << "ARG ";
    302             else
    303                 infoStr << "    ";
    304304            // fill with the necessary amount of blanks
    305305            infoStr << std::string(maxNameSize - it->second->getName().size(), ' ');
  • code/branches/testing/src/libraries/core/CommandLineParser.h

    r8858 r9222  
    217217        OrxAssert(!_getInstance().existsArgument(name),
    218218            "Cannot add a command line argument with name '" + name + "' twice.");
    219         OrxAssert(MultiType(defaultValue).getType() != MT_Type::Bool || MultiType(defaultValue).getBool() != true,
     219        OrxAssert(!MultiType(defaultValue).isType<bool>() || MultiType(defaultValue).getBool() != true,
    220220               "Boolean command line arguments with positive default values are not supported." << endl
    221221            << "Please use SetCommandLineSwitch and adjust your argument: " << name);
  • code/branches/testing/src/libraries/core/

    r8858 r9222  
    8383        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->valueVector_.size(); i++)
    8484        {
    85             ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->getOrCreateValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->valueVector_[i], this->value_.isType(MT_Type::String));
     85            ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->getOrCreateValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->valueVector_[i], this->value_.isType<std::string>());
    8686            this->defvalueStringVector_.push_back(this->valueVector_[i]);
    8787        }
    118118            if (this->tset(input))
    119119            {
    120                 ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->setValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, input, this->value_.isType(MT_Type::String));
     120                ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->setValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, input, this->value_.isType<std::string>());
    121121                return true;
    122122            }
    137137            if (this->tset(index, input))
    138138            {
    139                 ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->setValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, index, input, this->value_.isType(MT_Type::String));
     139                ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->setValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, index, input, this->value_.isType<std::string>());
    140140                return true;
    141141            }
    236236                this->valueVector_.erase(this->valueVector_.begin() + index);
    237237                for (unsigned int i = index; i < this->valueVector_.size(); i++)
    238                     ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->setValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->valueVector_[i], this->value_.isType(MT_Type::String));
     238                    ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->setValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->valueVector_[i], this->value_.isType<std::string>());
    239239                ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->deleteVectorEntries(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, this->valueVector_.size());
    272272    {
    273273        if (!this->bIsVector_)
    274             this->value_ = ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->getOrCreateValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, this->defvalueString_, this->value_.isType(MT_Type::String));
     274            this->value_ = ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->getOrCreateValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, this->defvalueString_, this->value_.isType<std::string>());
    275275        else
    276276        {
    281281                if (i < this->defvalueStringVector_.size())
    282282                {
    283                     this->value_ = ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->getOrCreateValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->defvalueStringVector_[i], this->value_.isType(MT_Type::String));
     283                    this->value_ = ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->getOrCreateValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->defvalueStringVector_[i], this->value_.isType<std::string>());
    284284                }
    285285                else
    286286                {
    287                     this->value_ = ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->getOrCreateValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, MultiType(), this->value_.isType(MT_Type::String));
     287                    this->value_ = ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getConfigFile(this->type_)->getOrCreateValue(this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, MultiType(), this->value_.isType<std::string>());
    288288                }
  • code/branches/testing/src/libraries/core/command/

    r8858 r9222  
    119119        @brief Executes the command which was evaluated by this object and returns its return-value.
    120120        @param error A pointer to an integer (or NULL) which will be used to write error codes to (see @ref CommandExecutorErrorCodes "CommandExecutor error codes")
    121         @return Returns the result of the command (or MT_Type::Null if there is no return value)
     121        @return Returns the result of the command (or MultiType::Null if there is no return value)
    122122    */
    123123    MultiType CommandEvaluation::query(int* error)
    139139            if (*error != CommandExecutor::Success)
    140                 return MT_Type::Null;
     140                return MultiType::Null;
    141141        }
    171171        // return a null value in case of an error
    172         return MT_Type::Null;
     172        return MultiType::Null;
    173173    }
    225225            return this->arguments_[index];
    227         return MT_Type::Null;
     227        return MultiType::Null;
    228228    }
  • code/branches/testing/src/libraries/core/command/

    r8858 r9222  
    8383        @param error A pointer to a value (or NULL) where the error-code should be written to (see @ref CommandExecutorErrorCodes "error codes")
    8484        @param useTcl If true, the command is passed to tcl (see TclBind)
    85         @return Returns the return-value of the command (if any - MT_Type::Null otherwise)
     85        @return Returns the return-value of the command (if any - MultiType::Null otherwise)
    8686    */
    8787    /* static */ MultiType CommandExecutor::queryMT(const std::string& command, int* error, bool useTcl)
  • code/branches/testing/src/libraries/core/command/

    r8858 r9222  
    7979        @param delimiter The delimiter that is used to separate the arguments in the string @a arguments
    8080        @param bPrintError If true, errors are printed to the console if the function couldn't be executed with the given arguments
    81         @return Returns the return value of the function (or MT_Type::Null if there is no return value)
     81        @return Returns the return value of the function (or MultiType::Null if there is no return value)
    8282    */
    8383    MultiType Executor::parse(const std::string& arguments, int* error, const std::string& delimiter, bool bPrintError) const
    9292        @param delimiter The delimiter that was used to separate the arguments in the SubString @a arguments (used to join the surplus arguments)
    9393        @param bPrintError If true, errors are printed to the console if the function couldn't be executed with the given arguments
    94         @return Returns the return value of the function (or MT_Type::Null if there is no return value)
     94        @return Returns the return value of the function (or MultiType::Null if there is no return value)
    9595    */
    9696    MultiType Executor::parse(const SubString& arguments, int* error, const std::string& delimiter, bool bPrintError) const
    105105            if (bPrintError)
    106106                orxout(internal_warning) << "Can't call executor " << this->name_ << " through parser: Not enough arguments or default values given (input: " << arguments.join() << ")." << endl;
    107             return MT_Type::Null;
     107            return MultiType::Null;
    108108        }
  • code/branches/testing/src/libraries/core/command/Executor.h

    r8858 r9222  
    169169                    return this->defaultValue_[index];
    171                 return MT_Type::Null;
     171                return MultiType::Null;
    172172            }
  • code/branches/testing/src/libraries/core/command/Functor.h

    r8858 r9222  
    189189            virtual ~Functor() {}
    191             /// Calls the function-pointer with up to five arguments. In case of a member-function, the assigned object-pointer is used to call the function. @return Returns the return-value of the function (if any; MT_Type::Null otherwise)
    192             virtual MultiType operator()(const MultiType& param1 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MT_Type::Null) = 0;
     191            /// Calls the function-pointer with up to five arguments. In case of a member-function, the assigned object-pointer is used to call the function. @return Returns the return-value of the function (if any; MultiType::Null otherwise)
     192            virtual MultiType operator()(const MultiType& param1 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MultiType::Null) = 0;
    194194            /// Creates a new instance of Functor with the same values like this (used instead of a copy-constructor)
    245245            virtual ~FunctorMember() { if (this->bSafeMode_) { this->unregisterObject(this->object_); } }
    247             /// Calls the function-pointer with up to five arguments and an object. In case of a static-function, the object can be NULL. @return Returns the return-value of the function (if any; MT_Type::Null otherwise)
    248             virtual MultiType operator()(O* object, const MultiType& param1 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MT_Type::Null) = 0;
     247            /// Calls the function-pointer with up to five arguments and an object. In case of a static-function, the object can be NULL. @return Returns the return-value of the function (if any; MultiType::Null otherwise)
     248            virtual MultiType operator()(O* object, const MultiType& param1 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MultiType::Null) = 0;
    250250            // see Functor::operator()()
    251             MultiType operator()(const MultiType& param1 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MT_Type::Null)
     251            MultiType operator()(const MultiType& param1 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MultiType::Null)
    252252            {
    253253                // call the function if an object was assigned
    257257                {
    258258                    orxout(internal_error) << "Can't execute FunctorMember, no object set." << endl;
    259                     return MT_Type::Null;
     259                    return MultiType::Null;
    260260                }
    261261            }
    324324            FunctorMember(void* object = 0) {}
    326             /// Calls the function-pointer with up to five arguments and an object. In case of a static-function, the object can be NULL. @return Returns the return-value of the function (if any; MT_Type::Null otherwise)
    327             virtual MultiType operator()(void* object, const MultiType& param1 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MT_Type::Null) = 0;
     326            /// Calls the function-pointer with up to five arguments and an object. In case of a static-function, the object can be NULL. @return Returns the return-value of the function (if any; MultiType::Null otherwise)
     327            virtual MultiType operator()(void* object, const MultiType& param1 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MultiType::Null) = 0;
    329329            // see Functor::operator()()
    330             MultiType operator()(const MultiType& param1 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MT_Type::Null)
     330            MultiType operator()(const MultiType& param1 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MultiType::Null)
    331331            {
    332332                return (*this)((void*)0, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5);
    416416        template <class R, class O, bool isconst, class P1>                                         struct FunctorCaller<R, O, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>   { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<R, O, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { return (object->*functionPointer)(param1); } };
    417417        template <class R, class O, bool isconst>                                                   struct FunctorCaller<R, O, isconst, void, void, void, void, void> { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<R, O, isconst, void, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { return (object->*functionPointer)(); } };
    418         template <class O, bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5> struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>           { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType& param5) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    419         template <class O, bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>           struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>         { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    420         template <class O, bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3>                     struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, void, void>       { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    421         template <class O, bool isconst, class P1, class P2>                               struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, void, void, void>     { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1, param2); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    422         template <class O, bool isconst, class P1>                                         struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>   { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    423         template <class O, bool isconst>                                                   struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, void, void, void, void, void> { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, void, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(); return MT_Type::Null; } };
     418        template <class O, bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5> struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>           { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType& param5) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5); return MultiType::Null; } };
     419        template <class O, bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>           struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>         { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4); return MultiType::Null; } };
     420        template <class O, bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3>                     struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, void, void>       { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3); return MultiType::Null; } };
     421        template <class O, bool isconst, class P1, class P2>                               struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, void, void, void>     { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, P2, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1, param2); return MultiType::Null; } };
     422        template <class O, bool isconst, class P1>                                         struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>   { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(param1); return MultiType::Null; } };
     423        template <class O, bool isconst>                                                   struct FunctorCaller<void, O, isconst, void, void, void, void, void> { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, O, isconst, void, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, O* object, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (object->*functionPointer)(); return MultiType::Null; } };
    424424        template <class R, bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5> struct FunctorCaller<R, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>           { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<R, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType& param5) { return (*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5); } };
    425425        template <class R, bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>           struct FunctorCaller<R, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>         { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<R, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType&) { return (*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4); } };
    428428        template <class R, bool isconst, class P1>                                         struct FunctorCaller<R, void, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>   { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<R, void, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { return (*functionPointer)(param1); } };
    429429        template <class R, bool isconst>                                                   struct FunctorCaller<R, void, isconst, void, void, void, void, void> { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<R, void, isconst, void, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { return (*functionPointer)(); } };
    430         template <bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5> struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>           { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType& param5) { (*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    431         template <bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>           struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>         { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    432         template <bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3>                     struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, void, void>       { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    433         template <bool isconst, class P1, class P2>                               struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, void, void, void>     { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(param1, param2); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    434         template <bool isconst, class P1>                                         struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>   { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(param1); return MT_Type::Null; } };
    435         template <bool isconst>                                                   struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, void, void, void, void, void> { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, void, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(); return MT_Type::Null; } };
     430        template <bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4, class P5> struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>           { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType& param5) { (*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5); return MultiType::Null; } };
     431        template <bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3, class P4>           struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>         { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType& param4, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3, param4); return MultiType::Null; } };
     432        template <bool isconst, class P1, class P2, class P3>                     struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, void, void>       { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, P3, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType& param3, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(param1, param2, param3); return MultiType::Null; } };
     433        template <bool isconst, class P1, class P2>                               struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, void, void, void>     { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, P2, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType& param2, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(param1, param2); return MultiType::Null; } };
     434        template <bool isconst, class P1>                                         struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>   { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, P1, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType& param1, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(param1); return MultiType::Null; } };
     435        template <bool isconst>                                                   struct FunctorCaller<void, void, isconst, void, void, void, void, void> { static inline MultiType call(typename detail::FunctionPointer<void, void, isconst, void, void, void, void, void>::Type functionPointer, void*, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&, const MultiType&) { (*functionPointer)(); return MultiType::Null; } };
    437437        // Helper class, used to identify the header of a function-pointer (independent of its class)
    498498            // see FunctorMember::operator()()
    499             MultiType operator()(O* object, const MultiType& param1 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MT_Type::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MT_Type::Null)
     499            MultiType operator()(O* object, const MultiType& param1 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param2 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param3 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param4 = MultiType::Null, const MultiType& param5 = MultiType::Null)
    500500            {
    501501                return detail::FunctorCaller<R, O, isconst, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5>::call(this->functionPointer_, object, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5);
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