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Sep 6, 2008, 4:21:56 PM (16 years ago)

Added new 'MultiType', replacing MultiTypePrimitive, MultiTypeString and MultiTypeMath. MultiType can hold all types MultiTypeMath was able to hold, namely all primitives, pointers, string and several math objects (vector2, 3 and 4, quaternion, colourvalue, radian, degree).

The new MultiType has a completely changed behaviour, I'll explain this on a wiki page somewhen.
But to say the most important things in a few words:
The MultiType has a fixed type. This type is determined by the first assigned value (by using setValue(value), operator=(value) or MultiType(value)). Every other value getting assigned later, will be converted to the first type. But you can change the type (setType<T>()), convert the value (convert<T>()) or force the type of a newly assigned value manually (setValue<T>(value)) by using template functions.

In contrast, the old MultiTypeMath changed it's internal type whenever a new type was assigned. So be aware of this important change.

At the moment I can't see any issues, but there might very well be several problems yet to discover, so further tests will be done.

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