Orxonox  0.0.5 Codename: Arcturus
Namespaces | Functions
Math.cc File Reference

Implementation of several math-functions. More...

#include "Math.h"
#include <OgrePlane.h>
#include "MathConvert.h"
#include "SubString.h"


 Die Wagnis Klasse hat die folgenden Aufgaben:


int orxonox::determineMap3DZOrder (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition, const float detectionlimit)
 A value between 0 and 10, in order how other object is in front or in back. More...
orxonox::Vector2 orxonox::get2DViewCoordinates (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition)
 Gets the 2D viewing direction (up/down, left/right) to the position of the other object, multiplied with the viewing distance to the object (0° = 0, 180° = 1). More...
orxonox::Vector2 orxonox::get2DViewdirection (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition)
 Gets the 2D viewing direction (up/down, left/right) to the position of the other object. More...
orxonox::Vector2 orxonox::get3DProjection (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition, const float mapangle, const float detectionlimit)
 Gets the 2D project vector for the 3D Radar . More...
float orxonox::getAngle (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition)
 Gets the angle between my viewing direction and the direction to the position of the other object. More...
orxonox::Vector3 orxonox::getPredictedPosition (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, float projectilespeed, const orxonox::Vector3 &targetposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &targetvelocity)
 Returns the predicted position I have to aim at, if I want to hit a moving target with a moving projectile. More...
orxonox::Vector3 orxonox::getTransformedVector (const orxonox::Vector3 &totransform, const orxonox::Vector3 &newx, const orxonox::Vector3 &newy, const orxonox::Vector3 &newz)
 Gets the new vector after a coordinate transformation. More...
unsigned long orxonox::getUniqueNumber ()
 Returns a unique number. More...
bool orxonox::isObjectHigherThanShipOnMap (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition, const float mapangle)
 Gets if a object is over the x/z - plain on map. More...
std::ostream & orxonox::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const orxonox::Radian &radian)
 Function for writing a Radian to a stream. More...
std::ostream & orxonox::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const orxonox::Degree &degree)
 Function for writing a Degree to a stream. More...
std::istream & orxonox::operator>> (std::istream &in, orxonox::Radian &radian)
 Function for reading a Radian from a stream. More...
std::istream & orxonox::operator>> (std::istream &in, orxonox::Degree &degree)
 Function for reading a Degree from a stream. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of several math-functions.