

  1. [HUD_HS16] updated HUDPickupSystem also in HUDTemplatesFPS.oxo
  2. fixed two bugs in PickupInventory.lua: - the update function had a messed up logic regarding the use-button in the detail window (condition was partially inverted) - updating the event subscription of the use-button in the detail-window doesn't seem to work - probably CEGUI doesn't like updating/changing/overriding an event while begin IN a mouse-click-event already. moving the logic to the Use/Unuse-function instead seems to work.
Revision 11711 by Fabian Landau:
[HUD_HS16] updated HUDPickupSystem also in HUDTemplatesFPS.oxo
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/code/trunk/data/overlays/HUDTemplatesFPS.oxo (diff)data/overlays/HUDTemplatesFPS.oxo
Revision 11710 by Fabian Landau:
fixed two bugs in PickupInventory.lua:
- the update function had a messed up logic regarding the use-button in the detail window (condition was partially inverted)
- updating the event subscription of the use-button in the detail-window doesn't seem to work - probably CEGUI doesn't like updating/changing/overriding an event while begin IN a mouse-click-event already. moving the logic to the Use/Unuse-function instead seems to work.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/code/trunk/data/gui/scripts/PickupInventory.lua (diff)data/gui/scripts/PickupInventory.lua