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Version 86 (modified by kmaurus, 13 years ago) (diff)



    Error: Page WindowsMinGW does not exist
    Error: Page VisualStudio does not exist
    Error: Page LinuxGentoo does not exist
    Error: Page LinuxDebian does not exist
    Error: Page LinuxUbuntu does not exist
    Error: Page LinuxTardis does not exist
    Error: Page MacOSX does not exist

Developers only

Please note that the following instructions are for developers who want to download and build the most recent changes of the source code and consider changing it in the future. If you only want to try out and play a stable version of Orxonox you should go to this page and follow the instructions on how to install the Orxonox deb-package on Ubuntu.

Tested on

We try to test Orxonox as often as possible and try to ensure to always have a running version in our trunk. Below there is a table of the most recent tests with different hardware and versions of Orxonox, Ubuntu and graphics drivers.

Hardware Ubuntu ver. Orxonox ver. / Revision Tester Date Result Graphics Driver ver.
Lenovo W500 Lucid Lynx (10.04) r6812 Damian Frick? 30.04.2010 success -
Lenovo W500 Maverick Meercat (10.10) r7541 Damian Frick? 24.10.2010 success -
IBM X60t Maverick Meerkat (10.10) r7639 Oliver Scheuss? 11.11.2010 success -
Sony Vaio CW Lucid Lynx (10.04) r7750 Benjamin Knecht? 08.12.2010 success Nvidia 256.35
MacBookPro 5,3 Lucid Lynx (10.04) r8115 kmaurus 25.03.2011 success -
Sony Vaio CW Natty Narwhale (11.04) r8408 Benjamin Knecht? 05.05.2011 success Nvidia 270.41.06
Lenovo W500 Natty Narwhale (11.04) r8412 Damian Frick? 07.05.2011 success -
- Oneiric Ocelot (11.10) r8891 Johannes Ritz? 18.10.2011 success -


To install all tools and libraries Orxonox needs, use the following command

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libogre-dev libenet-dev \
libvorbis-dev libalut-dev libcegui-mk2-dev tcl-dev libboost-date-time-dev \
libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev liblua5.1-0-dev subversion


Now follow the steps described on the building page.

If you experience problems running Orxonox after building it on your own, see this page or contact us.

Development with your favorite IDE

If you would like to use KDevelop, Code::Blocks or Eclipse for coding, see this page? for further information.