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Results (61 - 63 of 296)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#398 fixed Correct Projectile Collision nobody jo

So far our weapons do not interact with static collisionshapes. A laser shot simply goes through a static collisionshape and does not hit it.

Fix that behaviour so that a spaceship can hide from enemy attacks behind an asteroid.

#394 fixed Defense Turret nobody jo

Turrets are stationary towers equiped with weapons that automatically attack enemies.

turrent - cc-by 3.0 created by nazzyc

  • Create a model of a defense tower or use an existing one. E.g.
  • Create a proper texture.
  • Create a class derived from controllable entity to describe the turrents moving capabilities.
  • How can enemies be detected properly? Design a controller for the defensive turret.
  • Equip the turret with a weapon. Create a weaponsetting.

A new turret model + texture + some logic has been created in the autumn semester 2012. Some issues still have to be fixed:

  • Limit the turret's angular movements (somehow it does not work properly, although the right function has been overwritten).
  • Limit the turret's linear movements. It should stick to its base and stay there.
  • Improve the turret's AI such that it can make a difference between friends and foes.
  • Attach the turret to the Planetary Destroyer or embed it in a level. (What about having the transporter be defended by a turret?)
#390 fixed Cutscene camera nobody smerkli

The game does not yet have any way to create in-game videos. To add this functionality to Orxonox, we need to implement a scriptable camera controller so that the game can take control away from the player and show what is happening in an automated fashion.

A good documentation and manual on how to script the camera controller belongs to this project to make it useful.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.