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Custom Query (296 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 296)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#436 fixed Virtualize build environment landauf landauf

Maybe the jenkins builds can be run in a virtualized build environment like docker. This would allow us to define different build environments (e.g. different compilers or libraries) without cluttering the main server with a bunch orxonox-specific stuff.

#435 fixed Build doxygen documentation landauf landauf

The doxygen documentation of Orxonox should be generated with every commit in trunk and linked on the website.

Maybe it makes sense to build the documentation with jenkins, because it is configured to run scripts for each commit.

#434 fixed Migrate Forum admin landauf

Right now the forum is hosted on a different server than all other orxonox services ( We're not in a hurry to move it, but at some point we should migrate it to the new server.

It is yet unclear if we should integrate it in the new ldap credentials system or if the forum will have a separate user management.

It's a requirement, that external users can register themselfes in the forum.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.