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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#145 bensch bensch fixed Textures crap up Windows

When Enabling Textures my Windows ORXONOX crashes. This is most probably because of the gluBuild2DMipmaps-Function in, but who knows

#161 landauf bknecht fixed Space Station (inside)


The singleplayer misson we intend to implement starts in a space station in Earth's orbit. Next to the outside view of the space station we will need the interior of the station where one can walk around in first person view and do different stuff. The space station is a place where the people meet each other, relax, live and look for jobs. The habitants of the station have their ships stored in a hangar and repaired in a workshop. They can buy new weapons and extensions.


  • Find textures and texturesets for the station's interior.
  • Create a BSP model of the station's interior with GTK Radiant or another BSP-Modeler.

Information Gathering

  • Check out interior levels of other games.
  • Think of bad and good levels you encountered in the past and figure out what made them good or bad.
  • Look at picture and sketches on the internet.
  • Learn more about BSP and BSP modeling programms.


You will need to:

  • Find out what the level should consist of (rooms, bars, corridors etc.).
  • Make some sketches of the level before implementing it. Be sure to make the level look interesting (stairways, windows.. not everything must be accessible).
  • Don't forget the lightmaps!
  • You can use obj-Models to put them into the level.
  • Implement possibilities of interactions with stuff in the level.
  • Use scripting to give the level a living soul.

There are two things a level needs: The player should not be able to get lost in the level. He always needs to know where he has to go and what to do next. The player should have fun exploring the level and find interesting stuff. The difficult thing is to combine good looking and intersting with strait forward and usefull.

#178 bknecht bensch fixed Fix the Track back in

The Track is not usable anymore, since it still uses the old tList use the appended patch, to fix the track back into the clean up branch, and fix the compile errors.

Otherwise I would suggest to remove the Track completely (silvan will not be happy, since he implemented the track system twice :/) but the track is one of the obsolete modules anyways

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