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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#54 patrick patrick fixed collision detection algorithms

implement some algorithms to check for collisions between all objects and also between the ground. There are types of known solutions to this problem. try to read about them all and implement an algorithm that makes most sense for orxonox.

#55 nobody patrick fixed camera world collision

since the camera as some offset, there is a chance, that the camera collides with other objects and loses the player (can't see it anymore).
Try to check for these collisions and think of culling effects.

#56 nobody patrick fixed Water Effects in Game

Think about how to implement in game-water effects: there should be moving water (waves), nice transparent if its not to deep and green/blue if it gets deeper. There is no need for in water graphics (the player will never be in the water itself).
There are multiple ways to implement this problem, starting with real-physical wave simulations to shader programming effects. Consider them all and choose the one, that fits the requirements of orxonox.

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