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Changeset 2970 in orxonox.OLD

Nov 24, 2004, 5:10:52 AM (20 years ago)

Automatically added by cvs2svntracking:
Date: 2004-11-24 03:46
Author: teigland
While waiting for a manual ack, also check to see if the node has
rejoined the cman cluster — if it has, take that as an ack. This
new check is a no-op when using gulm.

nodename="hostname" is now the preferred node-specific manual
fencing data instead of ipaddr="hostname". [The ipaddr form is still

Similarly, fence_manual -n <nodename> and fence_ack_manual -n <nodename>.
[-s <ip> is still recognized for fence_ack_manual]

[There has been some discussion about a possible new name for this agent,
although fence_manual would remain an alias for any new name.]

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