= Lightmanager = [[ArchivePage]] A class that handles Lights. A Light is a source that emits light rays (photons) == Usage == First you have to get the Light Manager up and running by using LightManager::getInstance. This automatically initiates the GL_LIGHTING, and sets some default stuff about the light. Then you will create a new light using: * int addLight(void); * int addLight(int lightNumber); now you can operate on the light as follows: * void setPosition(Vector position); * void setPosition(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); * void setDiffuseColor(GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b); * void setSpecularColor(GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b); * void setAttenuation(float constantAttenuation, float linearAttenuation, float quadraticAttenuation); * void setSpotDirection(Vector direction); * void setSpotCutoff(GLfloat cutoff); These functions are preatty selv-explaining, but you can read about them below. If you want to fetch info, or the a Light use: * Vector getPosition(void) const; * Vector getPosition(int lightNumber) const; * Light* getLight(int lightNumber) const; To redraw the light use * void draw(); and to delete one just use * void deleteLight(void); for some nice output just use: * void debug(void) const; You can also operate on the single Lights themselves, by first retreaving them with * Light* getLight(int lightNumber); and then using the same functions to change settings.