[[TracNav(TracNav/TOC_install)]] = Gentoo Linux = ''Edited: 15. Sep. 2008 by [wiki:FelixSchulthess Felix]'' ''Checked: 01. Dec. 2007 by [wiki:NicolasSchlumberger nico] with 2007.0 profile on amd64''[[br]] ''Checked: 02. Nov. 2007 by [wiki:NicolasSchlumberger nico] with 2007.0 profile on x86''[[br]] This Tutorial assumes that you are using x86. If you are using amd64 just substitute the keyword. === Prerequisites === Orxonox uses Ogre with CEGUI for rendering, OIS for input handling, eNet for network support Boost for threading and cMake as build-system. You will have to install these packages. Every needed package is in portage. Add USE-Flags: {{{ # echo "dev-games/cegui devil expat" >> /etc/portage/package.use # echo "dev-games/ogre cegui devil lua threads" >> /etc/portage/package.use }}} Some packages are unstable, for portage to use them do: {{{ # echo "dev-games/ogre-1.4.5 ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords # echo "dev-games/ois-1.0 ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords }}} Then, emerge the packages. CEGUI and Boost are dependencies of Ogre, so they will not be installed explicitly. TCL is also mandatory. {{{ # emerge cmake ogre ois tcl # CFLAGS="-fPIC" emerge enet }}} eNet needs to be compiled with -fPIC to be included as shared library ([wiki:NicolasSchlumberger nico]: Dec '07). === Getting the Source Code === If you have not done so already, you need to install Subversion on your system. To do this, make sure that you have '''ssl''' included in your '''make.conf''' file:, which is normally located at '''/etc/make.conf''': {{{ ... USE="..., ssl, ..." ... }}} Now emerge subversion: {{{ # emerge subversion }}} Now get a copy of the code by checking out the trunk via anonymous subversion login. This will download the latest stable version to the directory ''trunk''. If you have trouble using SVN, go [wiki:SVN here]. {{{ $ svn co http://svn.orxonox.net/orxonox/trunk trunk }}} You won't be able to contribute your own code (check in) with the anonymous subversion repository. You have to ask us for a username/password combination. If you already have an account, check the code out like this: {{{ $ svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/orxonox/trunk trunk }}} You will then be asked for the username and password, that you got from us. Furthermore, you will need to check out the media repository. This repository contains all the graphics, fonts and sounds for Orxonox. To check it out, do: {{{ $ svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/data/Media media }}} Now make sure, you have set the correct path to your media directory in the various ini-files of Orxonox. === Compiling === Just cd to the trunk directory, then execute configure and make: {{{ $ cd orxonox-trunk $ cmake . ... $ make ... $ ./run }}} === Development with KDevelop === If you would like to use KDevelop for coding, see [wiki:CMake#UsingCMakewithKDevelop this] page for further information.