= Debian GNU/Linux = [[TOC(heading=Platforms, depth=1, WindowsMinGW, VisualStudio, LinuxGentoo, LinuxDebian, LinuxUbuntu, LinuxTardis)]] ''Edited: 15. Sep. 2008 by [wiki:FelixSchulthess Felix]''[[br]] ''Checked: 13. Feb. 2008 by [wiki:simonwenner Nowic] on Debian Lenny (Testing)'' Unfortunately there is no package available for Orxonox yet. We're eager to release one, though. Until then, you can get a copy of Orxonox' source code and build it on your own. If you experience problems, see [wiki:LinuxProblems this] page or contact us. == Dependencies == To install all tools and libraries Orxonox needs, use the following command {{{ user@debian:~> sudo aptitude install build-essential cmake libogre-dev libois-dev libboost-thread-dev libopenal-dev libalut-dev libenet-dev libfreeimage-dev libzzip-dev liblua5.1-0-dev tcl8.4-dev }}} == Get the Source Code == Now create a folder for Orxonox. Then get a copy of the code by checking out the trunk via anonymous subversion login . This will download the latest stable version to the directory ''trunk''. If you have trouble using SVN, go [wiki:SVN here]. {{{ user@debian:~> mkdir orxonox user@debian:~> cd orxonox user@debian:~/orxonox> svn co http://svn.orxonox.net/orxonox/trunk trunk }}} You won't be able to contribute your own code (check in) with the anonymous subversion repository. You have to ask us for a username/password combination. If you already have an account, check the code out like this: {{{ user@debian:~/orxonox> svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/orxonox/trunk trunk }}} You will then be asked for the username and password, that you got from us. Furthermore, you will need to check our data repository. This repository contains all the graphics, fonts and sounds and other third-party data for Orxonox. To check it out use the command: {{{ user@debian:~/orxonox> svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/data/Media Media }}} Now make sure, you have set the correct path to your media directory in the file ''bin/orxonox.ini''. == Compiling == Just cd to the trunk directory, then execute configure and make and finally run the game: {{{ user@debian:~/orxonox> cd trunk user@debian:~/orxonox/trunk> cmake . ... user@debian:~/orxonox/trunk> make ... user@debian:~/orxonox/trunk> ./run }}}