= Development Resources = This is a collection of useful development resources. Things that will make developing easier. == Documenation == * Math and Physics * Quaternions * [http://www.gamedev.net/reference/list.asp?categoryid=28#150 Some articels about Quaternions] from [http://www.gamedev.net Gamedev]. * [http://www.gametutorials.com/Tutorials/opengl/OpenGL_Pg4.htm a usefull SDL example] on the [http://www.gametutorials.com gametutorials] page. * Vectors * [http://www.gamedev.net/reference/list.asp?categoryid=28#160 Some articels about Vectors] * Data Formats * [http://graphics.stanford.edu/~kekoa/q3/ Quake3 Map File Specs] * Graphics * Fonts * [http://www.opengl.org/resources/features/fontsurvey/ a survey about pros/cons of diffrent font solutions] * [http://www.linux-games.com/sfont sfont library - probably the place to go...] * [http://nostatic.org/sfont/ sfont creation with gimp] * [http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=284259 using ttf files, code snippet] * Animations * [http://www.gametutorials.com/Tutorials/OpenGL/OpenGL_Pg5.htm 3DS animations, Q2 Animations, Q3 Animations] * [http://www.cyberloonies.com/animation.htm great tuto, that covers everything] * Collision Detection * [http://v136403.dd7222.kasserver.com/websites/no-skill/jnrdev/en/jnrdev1/ 2D collision detection for jump'n'run] * Game specific stuff * HUD * [http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=226725&whichpage=1� HUD drawing tips, glOrtho] * Usefull containers of all kind of informations: * [http://www.gamedev.net/reference/ Gamedev] - general game programming * [http://nehe.gamedev.net/ NEHE articles] - general openGL programming * [http://www.gametutorials.com/ gametutorials]