= Linux Coding Environment = This document describes the linux coding environement, everything you will need to work on orxonox successfully and happily ever after. The guid is meant for all linux distributions but specialy for [www.gentoo.org Gentoo]. == Compiler == You will want to use the standard GNU gcc compiler that is shiped with all linux distributions. == Code Editor == After using [http://www.xemacs.org/ xemacs] with the [http://ecb.sourceforge.net/ ECB] plugin, we changed to the [http://www.kdevelop.org/ KDevelop] editor, which is probably the best code editor in the whole open source world at the moment. We encourage you to install [http://www.kdevelop.org/ KDevelop], there is already a woking kdevelop project file found at: {{{/trunk/orxonox.kdevelop}}}.[[br]] Now costomize your kdevelop like this: __Settings=>Configure KDevelop...__ * Source Formatter: Select {{{GNU}}} * Documentation: Click on {{{Doxygen Documentation Collection}}} (in the lower middle) => Add: {{{trunk/doc/html/index.html}}} (this only works, if you have already generated the doxygen documentation with {{{make doc}}} in the orxonox trunk) __Settings=>Configure Editor... __ (this is only klickable if you have already opened a c++ source file to view) * Editing: Check {{{Remove trailing spaces}}} * Indentation: Select {{{C Style}}} for {{{Indentation Mode}}} * Open/Save Check {{{Replace tabs with spaces}}}, and {{{Remove trailing spaces}}}