= OpenAL = OpenAL (Open Audio Library) is a free software cross-platform audio API. It is designed for efficient rendering of multichannel three dimensional positional audio. Its API style and conventions deliberately resemble that of OpenGL. == Download and Install == You need the [http://www.openal.org/openal_webstf/downloads/openal-0.0.8.tar.gz OpenAL] and the [http://www.openal.org/openal_webstf/downloads/freealut-1.1.0.tar.gz FreeAlut] Package. FreeAlut are utilities for OpenAL and depend on it. Install-Script for installing all to a predefined directory: {{{ #!/bin/bash INSTALL_DIR=/home/nicolape/openal/test cd openal-0.0.8 ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_DIR} make clean make && make install cd .. cd freealut-1.1.0 env CFLAGS="-g -I $INSTALL_DIR/include -L$INSTALL_DIR/lib" ./configure --prefix=${INSTALL_DIR} make clean make && make install cd .. export=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${INSTALL_DIR}/lib }}} This will copy the includes and create the shared and linked versions of the libs (and also pkg.copnfig) For using OpenAL and ALUT, you need to {{{ #include #include #include }}} and link against at ''libopenal'' and ''libalut''' == Links == [http://www.devmaster.net/articles.php?catID=6 OpenAL Tutorial][[BR]] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAL Wikipedia about OpenAL][[BR]] [http://www.openal.org/ OpenAL official Site][[BR]] [http://developer.creative.com/articles/article.asp?cat=1&sbcat=31&top=38&aid=51&file=OpenAL_Programmers_Guide.pdf Programmers Guide by Creative Labs][[BR]]