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Custom Query (26 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#250 Improve the GUI concept enhancement major Menu 0.2.0
#311 Setting up CTest environment nobody task major Cmake
#315 Use boost::filesystem paths nobody defect major GeneralFramework 0.2.0
#317 Limit framerate nobody defect major GeneralFramework 0.2.0
#268 Modular Space Station mkaiser enhancement minor GameContent
#269 Enhance Older Models baxel enhancement minor GameContent
#278 Multiple builds support nobody enhancement minor Cmake 0.2.0
#280 Overlays (Scoreboard, ...) bhildebr task minor HUD 0.2.0
#282 Formation flight task minor GameContent 0.2.0
#287 Conversion function naming nobody defect minor GeneralFramework 0.2.0
#288 Enumeration style nobody defect minor GeneralFramework 0.2.0
#294 Resource providing rgrieder task minor Ogre 0.2.0
#295 Capture CEGUI output nobody task minor GUI 0.2.0
#298 Improve ''Usage'' dialog nobody enhancement minor GeneralFramework 0.2.0
#299 Export command history to a separate file nobody task minor GeneralFramework 0.2.0
#301 Remove or extend Settings class rgrieder task minor misc 0.2.0
#313 Inspect Doxygen warnings nobody defect minor Doxygen 0.2.0
#316 Non exclusive input mode nobody defect minor AI
#386 Create a level on a planet surface nobody task minor GameContent 0.0.4

Resolution: wontfix (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#310 Sort out friction nobody defect major Physics/ODE 0.2.0
#306 Extend Clock class nobody enhancement minor misc 0.2.0

Resolution: invalid (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#291 Extend GameStates nobody enhancement minor Control 0.2.0
#303 Overlay Element Borders nobody enhancement minor HUD 0.2.0
#308 Performance Evaluation nobody task minor GeneralFramework 0.2.0

Resolution: worksforme (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#273 Quest System dafrick enhancement minor misc 0.2.0
#281 Space Race task minor GameContent 0.2.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.