2006-07-21 Benjamin Grauerb New implementation of the signal/slot paradigm For this the nice implementation sigslot from Sarah Thompson was adapted. Also adopted the GL-Gui callback. One other thing done was the switch from const char* to const std::string& in the return value from BaseObject::getName and BaseObject::getClassName. 2006-07-21 orxonox All implementations from the PPS-team in the Summer-semester integrated: Network (update) [Christoph Renner] Weather engine [David Hasenfratz, Andreas Maechler] Water with a very nice shader implementation. [Stefan Lienhard] Scripting Engine (LUA-interface) [Silvan Nellen] Story book (mostly within of the WIKI) [Benjamin Knecht] Binary Space Partitioning [Claudio Botta] 2006-06-10 Benjamin Grauerb Introduced new GL-style Gui 2006-05-19 Benjamin Grauerb New Design of the Executor (constant instead of linear time) 2006-05-18 Patrick Boenzli Total redesign of the Collision-Detection Engine. 2006-05-17 Benjamin Grauer Introduced new QT-style Gui. 2006-03-12 orxonox Mayor switch to std::string (almost complete) All implementations from the PPS-team integrated: Network MoviePlayer HeightMap New SpaceShip Helicopter and Hover PowerUps Water many many more... 2005-12-10 Benjamin Grauer Implemented LOD (level of detail) Implemented it through loading of Objects 2005-11-20 Benjamin Grauer Implemented a new Class: Executor This is an abstract Superclass, that is able to execute any function with parameters. Used it in LoadParam and ShellCommand so far. 2005-09-24 Benjamin Grauer Finished implementing the Shell. 2005-09-20 orxonox Begin of Valgrind cleanup. 2005-08-16 orxonox Realesed 0.3.1_alpha, on the grounds of collision detection Working on a Windows-Realease... 2005-08-16 Patrick Boenzli Integrated the collision detection into the orxonox framework. It bases on object-oriented-bounding boxes. The tree is spawned out of any polygon soup. 2005-08-15 Benjamin Grauer Reimplemented the IniParser. Now it is possible, to read and write with it, in an easy c++ style. Performance update due to preparsing. 2005-08-14 Benjamin Grauer Enhanced PNode, SmoothPNode, softReparenting, better display. Major Speed-update to Vector and Quaternion. 2005-07-23 Benjamin Grauer Reimplemeted the ObjectManager, and the GarbageCollector. Features: modularity: easily adding new Creatable Classes through the Factory-style. Faster algorithm in the GarbageCollector, that only checks collectables. 2005-07-23 Patrick Boenzli Implemented a spatial separation algorithm that separates any polygon soup into a quadtree. The tree leafs are hold in a hash table for fast lookup. 2005-07-14 Benjamin Grauer Implementd Render2D and Element2D, that handles 2D-shapes overlay This is a new Engine, enabling us to render to layers. 2005-07-01 Benjamin Grauer Implemented ClassList.h: an interface to BaseObject saving all instances in Lists. It also enables loadability-identifiers. To decide is, if this approach is fast enough. 2005-06-20 Patrick Boenzli Implemented an OBB collision detection system, injected into the WorldEntity framework. Object - Object Collision Detection works fine. Still work on the Object - Ground CD. 2005-06-10 Benjamin Grauer Established a try on class-derivation and isA function. 2005-06-09 orxonox created new Tag 0.3.0-pre-alpha 2005-06-04 Benjamin Grauer Merged the SoundEngine (openAL-version) into the trunk this is one of the major steps up to version 0.3-pre-alpha 2005-06-03 Benjamin Grauer Implemented cycling loading procedures used for the TrackManager and Animations 2005-06-01 orxonox serious cleanup of most files design and doxygen tags deleted old unused fucntions 2005-05-30 Patrick Boenzli Implemented new EventSystem for orxonox Highly advanced, and much faster. 2005-05-27 Benjamin Grauer Intorducing new Subprojects with a new modular framework. Introducing ParticlesFun Introducing new Importer (this was easy :)) 2005-05-10 Benjamin Grauer Merged the gui into the executable Windows compiles again. 2005-04-27 orxonox Tagged Version 0.2.3-pre-alpha 2005-04-23 Patrick Boenzli Finished most work on Animation-classes 2005-04-21 Benjamin Grauer Material Class update: possibility for transparency. 2005-04-15 Patrick Boenzli Added AnimationPlayer and two animation classes. 2005-04-07 Patrick Boenzli Reimplemeted the Weapon and shoot-functions 2005-03-31 Benjamin Grauer Added Text Engine 2005-03-26 Benjamin Grauer Added ResourceManager 2005-03-24 Patrick Boenzli Reimplemented shooting. 2005-03-16 orxonox Finished work on version 0.2.1-pre-alpha released 0.2.2-pre-alpha 2005-03-15 Patrick Boenzli parenting finished 2005-03-09 Patrick Boenzli Big Cleanup again 2005-03-01 Benjamin Grauer Added Light Class 2005-02-27 Benjamin Grauer Big Configure.ac-cleanup 2005-02-22 David Gruetter Added Skysphere 2005-01-07 Patrick Boenzli LoadScreen implemented 2004-12-20 Patrick Boenzli New Version out 0.2.1-pre-alpha 2004-12-20 Patrick Boenzli HEAVY cleanup of the framework 2004-12-18 Patrick Boenzli enhanced the Command Node 2004-12-15 Nico Benold OS X support 2004-12-15 Benjamin Grauer Defined standard coding rules 2004-12-15 Benjamin Grauer Added Importer for showing 3D Object. 2004-11-07 David Gruetter Shaded Terrain 2004-10-23 Adrian Buerli Dynamic Mountains, dynamic movement. 2004-10-18 Patrick Boenzli Release 0.1-pre-alpha 2004-07-17 Christian Meyer SDL-Framework 2004-06-09 Tom of ethz Added endless Mountains 2004-06-02 Benjamin Grauer Added Console 2004-05-20 Patrick Boenzli Added the ability to shoot 2004-05-05 Benjamin Grauer Added the GUI. 2004-04-21 Patrik Boenzli Added Makefile to orxonox 2004-04-25 Amir Guindehi Created Project orxonox. Thanks a lot.