[Modified: pjcast - Aug 25, 2006] Here are a few notes on using OGRE in a linux or linux like environment. First keep your life simple by using the pkg-config system. Using this script you can easily add in the required library and include dir flags like this: pkg-config --cflags --libs OGRE If the script complains about not finding the OGRE module and possibly needing PKG_CONFIG_PATH set, you can do so like this: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig Most commonly your pkgconfig directory will be under the directory that libOgreMain was installed to. There are sone other flags to be aware of, GCC_3_1 and EXT_HASH. These are currently set by pkg-config flags. Their meaning is so: GCC_3_1: This means you are using g++ version 3.1 or greater. This allows for direct usage of the standard library. EXT_HASH: This means that your hash_map and other none standard STL components are in the ext/ subdir of your normal headers. Otherwise you should be able to generally get things going. If you have other questions feel free to ask on the forums: http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2/index.php, IRC --temas