# Boost regression-testing Jamfile # (C) Copyright David Abrahams 2002. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and # distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in # all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied # warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. # Status: # - std::locale-support usage is commented out. # Two test suite have different names. # in config test is commented out. # One of the smart_ptr test is run only from invocation dir in V1, and not # run in V2 at all. project status : source-location $(BOOST_ROOT) : requirements true ; import testing ; alias test_exec_monitor : ../libs/test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor/static ; # Tests from Jamfiles in individual library test subdirectories # Please keep these in alphabetic order by test-suite name build-project ../libs/any/test ; # test-suite any build-project ../libs/bind/test ; # test-suite bind build-project ../libs/conversion/test ; # test-suite conversion build-project ../libs/date_time/test ; # test-suite date_time build-project ../libs/dynamic_bitset ; # test-suite dynamic_bitset build-project ../libs/filesystem/test ; # test-suite filesystem build-project ../libs/format/test ; # test-suite format build-project ../libs/function/test ; # test-suite function build-project ../libs/functional/hash/test ; # test-suite functional/hash build-project ../libs/graph/test ; # test-suite graph build-project ../libs/io/test ; # test-suite io build-project ../libs/iterator/test ; # test-suite iterator build-project ../libs/math/test ; # test-suite math build-project ../libs/numeric/interval/test ; # test-suite numeric/interval build-project ../libs/numeric/ublas/test ; # test-suite numeirc/uBLAS build-project ../libs/multi_array/test ; # test-suite multi_array build-project ../libs/multi_index/test ; # test-suite multi_index build-project ../libs/optional/test ; # test-suite optional build-project ../libs/program_options/test ; # test-suite program_options build-project ../libs/random/test ; # test-suite random build-project ../libs/regex/test ; # test-suite regex build-project ../libs/regex/example ; # test-suite regex-examples #build-project ../libs/serialization/test ; # test-suite serialization build-project ../libs/signals/test ; # test-suite signals build-project ../libs/smart_ptr/test ; # test-suite smart_ptr build-project ../libs/static_assert ; # test-suite static_assert build-project ../libs/algorithm/string/test ; # test-suite string_algo build-project ../libs/test/test ; # test-suite test build-project ../libs/thread/test ; # test-suite thread build-project ../libs/type_traits/test ; # test-suite type_traits build-project ../libs/utility/test ; # test-suite utility build-project ../libs/variant/test ; # test-suite variant # Tests specified in this Jamfile test-suite config : [ run libs/config/test/config_test.cpp test_exec_monitor : #args : #input-files : #requirements multi #!!!config_test.cpp ] [ run libs/config/test/config_info.cpp : : : always_show_run_output ] [ run libs/config/test/abi/abi_test.cpp libs/config/test/abi/main.cpp ] [ run libs/config/test/limits_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/config/test/link/main.cpp ../libs/config/test/link//link_test : #args : #input-files : #requirements shared BOOST_DYN_LINK=1 BOOST_CONFIG_NO_LIB=1 : config_link_test ] [ compile-fail libs/config/test/threads/test_thread_fail1.cpp ] [ compile-fail libs/config/test/threads/test_thread_fail2.cpp ] ; test-suite array_suite # !!! : [ run libs/array/array1.cpp ] [ run libs/array/array2.cpp ] [ run libs/array/array3.cpp ] [ run libs/array/array4.cpp ] [ run libs/array/array5.cpp ] ; test-suite concept_check : [ compile libs/concept_check/concept_check_test.cpp ] [ compile libs/concept_check/class_concept_check_test.cpp ] [ compile-fail libs/concept_check/concept_check_fail_expected.cpp ] [ compile-fail libs/concept_check/class_concept_fail_expected.cpp ] ; run libs/crc/crc_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ; test-suite disjoint_sets : [ run libs/disjoint_sets/disjoint_set_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ] ; run libs/functional/function_test.cpp ; test-suite integer : [ run libs/integer/cstdint_test.cpp ] [ run libs/integer/integer_test.cpp ] [ run libs/integer/integer_traits_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ] ; test-suite lambda : [ run libs/lambda/test/algorithm_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/bind_tests_simple.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/bind_tests_advanced.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/bind_tests_simple_f_refs.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/bll_and_function.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/cast_test.cpp test_exec_monitor : : : : lambda_cast_test ] [ run libs/lambda/test/constructor_tests.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/control_structures.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/exception_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/extending_rt_traits.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/is_instance_of_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/member_pointer_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/operator_tests_simple.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/phoenix_control_structures.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/lambda/test/switch_construct.cpp test_exec_monitor ] ; run libs/pool/test/test_pool_alloc.cpp test_exec_monitor ; test-suite preprocessor : [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/arithmetic.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/array.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/comparison.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/control.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/debug.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/facilities.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/iteration.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/list.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/logical.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/repetition.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/selection.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/seq.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/slot.cpp ] [ compile libs/preprocessor/test/tuple.cpp ] ; test-suite property_map : [ compile libs/property_map/property_map_cc.cpp ] ; test-suite rational : [ run libs/rational/rational_example.cpp ] [ run libs/rational/rational_test.cpp ] ; compile libs/timer/timer_test.cpp ; test-suite tokenizer : [ run libs/tokenizer/examples.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/tokenizer/simple_example_1.cpp ] [ run libs/tokenizer/simple_example_2.cpp ] [ run libs/tokenizer/simple_example_3.cpp ] [ run libs/tokenizer/simple_example_4.cpp ] [ run libs/tokenizer/simple_example_5.cpp ] ; test-suite tuple_suite # !!! : [ run libs/tuple/test/tuple_test_bench.cpp test_exec_monitor ] [ run libs/tuple/test/io_test.cpp test_exec_monitor ] ;