C++/Tcl - a C++ library for interoperability between C++ and Tcl. Copyright (C) 2004-2006, Maciej Sobczak --- You should see the following directories here: - doc - contains a short documentation for the library - examples - some simple examples to show C++/Tcl basics - test - tests used for development - use them for regression testing if you want to modify the library - details - some additional code used by the library (not for client use) In addition, the following files may be of interest to you: - README - this file - LICENSE - explanation of the license terms - CHANGES - the history of changes The C++/Tcl itself consists of these files: - cpptcl.h - to be included in your own files - cpptcl.cc - to be compiled and linked with your code In order to compile the tests and the examples you may need to change the compiler options to fit your particular environment (different paths to the Tcl headers and libs, another compiler, etc.) Anyway - have fun! :-)