Dependencies alias m='make -j4' ## Boost: ## cd boost_x_xx_x/ run bootstrap.bat bjam --build-dir=build toolset=gcc variant=release link=shared threading=multi --build-type=complete stage -j4 cd tools/bcp ../../bjam toolset=gcc -j4 cd ../.. mkdir stripped_orxonox ./bin.v2/tools/bcp/gcc-mingw-4.5.2/release/link-static/bcp array asio assign bimap bind circular_buffer compressed_pair config date_time filesystem foreach format function intrusive logic member_function mpl operators preprocessor range ref scope_exit smart_ptr static_assert thread unordered ./stripped_orxonox in mpl/aux_/preprocessed the only required folders are: gcc, no_ctps, no_ttp, and plain ## Poco (ogre threading dependency): ## cd ./configure --omit=NetSSL_OpenSSL,Data/ODBC,Data/MySQL --no-tests --no-samples --shared m if linking fails, copy link command and remove the missing libraries, paste it to the console to build it manually. only PocoFoundation.dll is required ## Ogre dependencies ## get here: DirectX SDK installieren make zlib a SHARED lib, so we can use it for orxonox as well (edit src/zlib/CMakeLists.txt) cd ogredeps mkdir build cd build cm .. m make install ## Ogre: ## Dependencies entpacken (ordnername "Dependencies") oder die selbst kompilierten Dependencies von weiter oben verwenden DirectX SDK installieren cg SDK installieren open ogre_src_vx-x-x/CMake/Packages/FindPOCO.cmake add MinGW/ia32 to PATH_SUFFIXES of find_library commands cd ogre_src_vx-x-x/ mkdir release cd release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOGRE_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=../../ogre-dependencies/xxxxxxxx/build/ogredeps -DENV_POCO_ROOT=/home/Xen/libs/poco/poco-x.x.x -G "MSYS Makefiles" .. m copy OgreBuildSettings.h to orxonox dependencies AND cegui dependencies cd .. mkdir debug cd debug cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DOGRE_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=../../ogre-dependencies/xxxxxxxx/build/ogredeps -DENV_POCO_ROOT=/home/Xen/libs/poco/poco-x.x.x -G "MSYS Makefiles" .. m ## Freealut: ## get OpenAL SDK, put al.h and alc.h in a directory called "AL" (here: libs/openal/OpenAL11/include/AL) cd freealut-x.x.x-src/ cm -DOPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/home/Xen/libs/openal/OpenAL11/include/ m ## Ogg: ## cd libogg-x.x.x ./configure make -j4 => libs in src/.libs ## Vorbis (requires ogg): ## cd libvorbis-x.x.x ./configure --with-ogg-libraries=/home/Xen/libs/ogg/libogg-1.2.2/src/.libs/ --with-ogg-includes=/home/Xen/libs/ogg/libogg-1.2.2/include/ make -j4 => libs in lib/.libs ## Tcl: ## cd tclx.x.x/win/ ./configure m ## Lua: ## cd lua-x.x.x/ make mingw -j4 make local (for include dir) ## pcre: ## (for cegui) cd pcre-x.xx/ ./configure --enable-utf8 make -j8 make install ## CEGUI dependencies ## create "dependencies" directory in CEGUI-x.x.x/, subdirectories "include" and "lib" include: - freetype: ft2build.h & freetype dir (copy from ogre dependencies) - pcre: pcre.h (see above) - lua: lua.h, luaconf.h, lauxlib.h, lualib.h (see above) lib: - freetype: libfreetype.a (copy from ogre dependencies) - pcre: libpcre.a (see above) - lua: lua.dll (copy from orxonox dependencies with floating point precision mode, otherwise it crashes in conjunction with directX!!!) for cegui 0.7.x: put all libs in lib/dynamic/ include: - ogre: OgreBuildSettings.h (copy from ogre/build/include/) ## CEGUI: (0.6.x) ## cd CEGUI-x.x.x/makefiles/premake/ open config.lua and activate tinyxml and set it as the default XML parser premake --file cegui.lua --target cb-gcc open CEGUI.workspace with codeblocks build CEGUIBase, CEGUIFalagardWRBase, and CEGUITinyXMLParser each in Release mode ## CEGUI: (0.7.x) ## cd CEGUI-x.x.x/projects/premake/ open config.lua: - activate tinyxml and set it as the default XML parser - set MINIZIP_RESOURCE_PROVIDER = false - set OGRE_RENDERER = true - set Ogre path: OGRE_PATHS = { "C:/msys/home/Xen/libs/ogre/ogre_src_v1-8-1", "OgreMain/include", "release/bin" } - add extra path: { "C:/msys/home/Xen/libs/poco/poco-1.4.6p2", "Foundation/include", "lib/MinGW/ia32", "CEGUIOgreRenderer" } premake --file cegui.lua --target cb-gcc open CEGUI.workspace with codeblocks add "PocoFoundation" to "Link libraries" in tab "Linker settings" of Build options of CEGUIOgreRenderer build CEGUIBase, CEGUIFalagardWRBase, and CEGUITinyXMLParser each in Release mode build tolua++, CEGUILuaScriptModule, CEGUIOgreRenderer each in Release mode