/*! * @file explosion.h * @brief a Explosion Projectile */ #ifndef _EXPLOSION_H #define _EXPLOSION_H #include "world_entity.h" class SpriteParticles; class BoxEmitter; class FastFactory; class Explosion : public WorldEntity { ObjectListDeclaration(Explosion); public: static void explode (PNode* position, const Vector& size); void explode (float x, float y, float z); /// Explode at the current position with size (x,y,z) Explosion (); virtual ~Explosion (); virtual void activate(); virtual void deactivate(); virtual void tick (float time); private: static FastFactory* fastFactory; float lifeTime; float lifeCycle; static SpriteParticles* explosionParticles; BoxEmitter* emitter; }; #endif /* _EXPLOSION_H */