/*! * @file particle_emitter.h * Definition of a ParticleEmitter */ #ifndef _PARTICLE_EMITTER_H #define _PARTICLE_EMITTER_H #include "p_node.h" // FORWARD DECLARATION class ParticleSystem; class TiXmlElement; // Default values #define PARTICLE_EMITTER_DEFAULT_SIZE 1.0 #define PARTICLE_EMITTER_DEFAULT_EMISSION_RATE 50 #define PARTICLE_EMITTER_DEFAULT_TYPE EMITTER_DOT #define PARTICLE_EMITTER_DEFAULT_INHERIT_SPEED 0.0 #define PARTICLE_EMITTER_DEFAULT_SPREAD M_PI //! The form of the Emitter to emit from typedef enum EMITTER_TYPE { EMITTER_DOT = 1, EMITTER_PLANE = 2, EMITTER_SPHERE = 4, EMITTER_CUBE = 8 }; //! A class to handle an Emitter. class ParticleEmitter : public PNode { friend class ParticleSystem; public: ParticleEmitter(const Vector& direction, float angle = .5, float emissionRate = 1.0, float velocity = 1.0); ParticleEmitter(const TiXmlElement* root); virtual ~ParticleEmitter(); void init(); virtual void loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root); /* controlling the emitter: interface */ void start(); void stop(); void tick(float dt); void setSystem(ParticleSystem* system); ParticleSystem* getSystem() const { return this->system; }; /* controlling the behavour: these can be used as Animation interfaces */ void setType(EMITTER_TYPE type); void setType(const char* type); void setSize(float emitterSize); void setEmissionRate(float emissionRate); void setInheritSpeed(float value); void setSpread(float angle, float randomAngle = 0.0); void setEmissionVelocity(float velocity, float randomVelocity = 0.0); void setEmissionMomentum(float momentum, float randomMomentum = 0.0); void setDirection(float x, float y, float z) { this->direction = Vector(x,y,z); } ; //!< todo this should be done via PNODE /** @returns the type of the emitter */ inline EMITTER_TYPE getType() const { return this->type; }; /** @returns the Type as a const char * */ const char* getTypeC() const; /** @returns the Size of the emitter */ inline float getSize() const { return this->emitterSize; }; /** @returns the emissionRate */ inline float getEmissionRate() const { return this->emissionRate; }; /** @returns the inherit-speed-factor */ inline float getInheritSpeed() const { return this->inheritSpeed; }; /** @returns the SpreadAngle of the emitter */ inline float getSpread() const { return this->angle; }; /** @returns the EmissionVelocity of the emitter */ inline float getEmissionVelocity() const { return this->velocity; }; /** @returns the EmissionMomentum of this emitter */ inline float getEmissionMomentum() const { return this->momentum; }; void debug() const; private: ParticleSystem* system; //!< The ParticleSystem this Emitter Emits into. EMITTER_TYPE type; //!< The type of emitter this is. float emitterSize; //!< The size of the emitter (not for EMITTER_DOT). float inheritSpeed; //!< How much speed the particle inherits from the Emitters speed. Vector direction; //!< emition direction. float angle; //!< max angle from the direction of the emitter float randomAngle; //!< random emission angle (angle +- angleRandom is the emitted angle. float emissionRate; //!< amount of particles per seconds emitted by emitter. float velocity; //!< the initial speed of a Particles. float randomVelocity; //!< the random variation from the initial Speed. float momentum; //!< The Initial spped of the Rotation. float momentumRandom; //!< The random variation of the Momentum. float saveTime; //!< The time that was missing by the last Tick (otherwise there would be no emission when framefate is too big). }; #endif /* _PARTICLE_EMITTER_H */