#include #include #include "matrix.h" class Vector { public: Vector (float x, float y, float z) { this->x=x; this->y = y; this->z = z; }; float x, y, z; inline Vector cross (const Vector& v) const { return Vector(y * v.z - z * v.y, z * v.x - x * v.z, x * v.y - y * v.x ); } }; void Matrix::eigVl(const Matrix& mat) { float eigValue[3]; float eigVc[9]; float a = 0; float b = 0; float c[3]; // c[0] is the determinante of mat c[0] = this->m11 * this->m22 * this->m33 + 2* this->m12 * this->m13 * this->m23 - this->m11 * this->m23 * this->m23 - this->m22 * this->m13 * this->m13 - this->m33 * this->m12 * this->m12; // c[1] is the trace of a c[1] = this->m11 * this->m22 - this->m12 * this->m12 + this->m11 * this->m33 - this->m13 * this->m13 + this->m22 * this->m33 - this->m23 * this->m23; // c[2] is the sum of the diagonal elements c[2] = this->m11 + this->m22 + this->m33; // Computing the roots: a = (3.0*c[1] - c[2]*c[2]) / 3.0; b = (-2.0*c[2]*c[2]*c[2] + 9.0*c[1]*c[2] - 27.0*c[0]) / 27.0; float Q = b*b/4.0 + a*a*a/27.0; // 3 distinct Roots if (Q < 0) { printf("good\n"); float psi = atan2(sqrt(-Q), -b/2.0); float p = sqrt((b/2.0)*(b/2.0) - Q); eigValue[0] = c[2]/3.0 + 2 * pow(p, 1/3.0) * cos(psi/3.0); eigValue[1] = c[2]/3.0 - pow(p, 1/3.0) * (cos(psi/3.0) + sqrt(3.0) * sin(psi/3.0)); eigValue[2] = c[2]/3.0 - pow(p, 1/3.0) * (cos(psi/3.0) - sqrt(3.0) * sin(psi/3.0)); } // 2 Distinct Roots else if (Q == 0) { eigValue[0] = c[2]/3.0 + pow(b/2.0, 1.0/3.0); eigValue[1] = c[2]/3.0 + pow(b/2.0, 1.0/3.0); eigValue[2] = c[2]/3.0 + 2* pow(b/2.0, 1.0/3.0); } // 1 Root (not calculating anything.) else if (Q > 0) { printf("A is multiple of Identity matrix (lambda * I3))\n"); eigValue[0] = eigValue[1] = eigValue[2] = 1; } Matrix M = *this - Matrix::identity() * eigValue[0]; float u11, u12, u13, u22, u23, u33; this->debug(); printf("%f %f %f\n", eigValue[0], eigValue[1], eigValue[2]); } void Matrix::debug() const { printf("input: | %f | %f | %f |\n", this->m11, this->m12, this->m13 ); printf(" | %f | %f | %f |\n", this->m21, this->m22, this->m23 ); printf(" | %f | %f | %f |\n", this->m31, this->m32, this->m33 ); }