/*! * @file proto_class.h * Definition of a QuadtreeNode which represents a quad in a Quadtree This struct is used to partition big land scapes into smaller ones for different reasons: - for collision detection: only a subset of all triangles need to be tested vs a given body - for object culling purposes: the quadtrees that are not in the field of view can be ommitted in the draw process - for LOD (level of Detail). The models can be drawn using different LODs depending on the distance This struct includes all the triangles, vertices, normal informations needed to make something usefull with a terrain partition. */ #ifndef _QUADTREE_NODE_H #define _QUADTREE_NODE_H #include "base_object.h" #include "vector.h" #include "abstract_model.h" // FORWARD DEFINITION class Quadtree; //! A class for a Quadtree Node representation class QuadtreeNode : public BaseObject { public: QuadtreeNode(sTriangleExt** triangles, int numTriangles, const float* pVertices, int numVertices, Quadtree* quadtree, QuadtreeNode* parent, Rectangle* rect, int treeDepth, const int maxDepth, int index ); QuadtreeNode(modelInfo* pModelInfo, Quadtree* quadtree, const int maxDepth); virtual ~QuadtreeNode(); void buildHashTable(QuadtreeNode** nodeList, int* index); inline Rectangle* getDimension() { return this->pDimension; } bool includesPoint(const Vector& v) const; sTriangleExt* getTriangle(const Vector& position) const; float getHeight(const Vector& position) const; void drawTree() const; void draw() const; private: void init(); void separateNode(float minLength); void separateNode(); Rectangle* getDimFromModel(); bool sameSide(const Vector& p1, const Vector&p2, const Vector& a, const Vector& b) const; bool pointInTriangle(const Vector&p, const Vector& a, const Vector& b, const Vector& c) const; protected: QuadtreeNode* parent; //!< reference to the paren QuadtreeNode (NULL if rootnode) QuadtreeNode* nodeA; //!< reference to the node A QuadtreeNode* nodeB; //!< reference to the node B QuadtreeNode* nodeC; //!< reference to the node C QuadtreeNode* nodeD; //!< reference to the node D QuadtreeNode** nodes; //!< reference to the quadtree nodes (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD=[0..3]) private: Quadtree* quadtree; //!< reference to the quadtree Vector center; //!< center coordinate of the quadtree node - relative coordinates in model space(!) float axisLength; //!< axis length of the quadtree float maxHeigth; //!< max height of the model in the quadtree float offset; //!< offset of the actual quadtree rectangle int treeDepth; //!< the depth of the tree int maxDepth; //!< the maximal depth of the tree int indexNode; //!< the index number of the node int nodeIter; //!< temp helping variable for the hashing algorithm sTriangleExt** pTriangles; //!< reference to the triangles of the node const float* pVertices; //!< reference to vertices data unsigned int numTriangles; //!< number of triangles of the Node unsigned int numVertices; //!< number of vertices of the node modelInfo* pModelInfo; //!< reference to the modelInfo of the object Rectangle* pDimension; //!< pointer to the local rectangle properties bool bDraw; //!< shall it be drawn? DEBUG only }; #endif /* _QUADTREE_NODE_H */