/*! * @file static_model.h * @brief Contains the Model Class that handles Static 3D-Models rendered with glList's */ #ifndef _STATIC_MODEL_H #define _STATIC_MODEL_H #include "model.h" #include "material.h" #include #include "static_model_data.h" ///////////// /// MODEL /// ///////////// //! Class that handles static 3D-Models. /** * it can also read them in and display them. * All the objects are rendered with glLists */ class StaticModel : public Model { ObjectListDeclaration(StaticModel); public: StaticModel(const std::string& modelName = ""); StaticModel(const StaticModel& staticModel); virtual ~StaticModel(); StaticModel& operator=(const StaticModel& model); virtual void draw() const { data->draw(); }; void draw(int groupNumber) const { data->draw(groupNumber); }; void draw(const std::string& groupName) const { data->draw(groupName); }; void rebuild() { data->rebuild(); }; Material* addMaterial(const Material& material) { return data->addMaterial(material); }; Material* addMaterial(const std::string& materialName) { return data->addMaterial(materialName); }; bool addGroup(const std::string& groupString) { return data->addGroup(groupString); }; bool addVertex(const std::string& vertexString) { return data->addVertex(vertexString); }; bool addVertex(float x, float y, float z) { return data->addVertex(x, y, z); }; bool addFace(const std::string& faceString) { return data->addFace(faceString); }; bool addFace(int faceElemCount, VERTEX_FORMAT type, ...); bool addVertexNormal(const std::string& normalString) { return this->data->addVertexNormal(normalString); }; bool addVertexNormal(float x, float y, float z) { return this->data->addVertexNormal(x,y,z); }; bool addVertexTexture(const std::string& vTextureString) { return this->data->addVertexTexture(vTextureString); }; bool addVertexTexture(float u, float v) { return this->data->addVertexTexture(u, v); }; bool setMaterial(const std::string& mtlString) { return data->setMaterial(mtlString); }; bool setMaterial(Material* mtl) { return data->setMaterial(mtl);}; void finalize(); void acquireData(const StaticModelData::Pointer& data); const StaticModelData::Pointer& dataPointer() const { return this->data; }; inline void setScaleFactor(float scaleFactor) { this->data->setScaleFactor(scaleFactor); }; float getScaleFactor() const { return data->getScaleFactor(); } protected: void cubeModel(); private: void updateBase(); private: StaticModelData::Pointer data; }; #endif